The Journey 52. Whitney Webb: FBI Cover-ups, Sexual Blackmail, and the Transhumanist Agenda
Whitney Webb, a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016, and TrineDay publisher RA “Kris” Millegan discuss The Wellcome Leap, which professes to advance healthcare but is led by people who focus on transhumanist technologies, specifically brain-machine interfaces and other technology aimed at merging humans and machines. Whitney and Kris also discuss sexual blackmail going back to J. Edgar Hoover in the FBI and how the FBI functions as the cover-up agency for “The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein” – the subtitle of Whitney’s TrineDay book, “One Nation Under Blackmail,” which will be released in February 2022.

K: The internet lets us create a new world by communicating and sharing information with each other.
W: Yes, and efforts in the last few months by governments and globalist entities like the World Economic Forum are calling for global regulation of the internet and social media and things like that. The powers-that-be are very aware of the extent to which independent journalists are taking advantage of these technologies and present a threat to their control over the flow of information. The Project for a New American Century, in their document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” in 2000 (where they mentioned a “new Pearl Harbor”) discussed how that could facilitate their domination of a couple things, including “the flow of information with the internet.” So there’s been this longstanding agenda to try and clamp down on this decentralized aspect of the internet.
K: What you’re following, this nexus between honey traps and intelligence, has shown up by the researchers for a while. When we were doing “The Franklin Scandal,” you keep running into the FBI running interference for this pedophile ring. You want to tear your hair out. The FBI are supposed to be the good guys.
W: A lot of this has to do with J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI who dominated that institution for its earliest decades and chose the leadership that succeeded him. He was compromised by this nexus of organized crime and intelligence with sexual blackmail, pictures of him cross-dressing and engaging in activities that were very naughty for that period of time. So he never meaningfully pursued organized crime. In the decades after Hoover, the FBI has continued to run interference for not just the group responsible for the Franklin Scandal but also the Finders cult, which was essentially a CIA front and suspected of being involved with sexual blackmail activity as well with very young children. And then of course later on the Epstein scandal.
The FBI is essentially the cover-up agency of this nexus of organized crime and intelligence that’s really the real seat of power in the United States. A really good example of that which is relevant to some of the things we’re experiencing would be the 2001 anthrax attacks, the main players of which have a lot of overlap with the Covid-19 crisis. The anthrax investigation was not meaningfully pursued. It was denounced by its former FBI lead investigators who became whistleblowers who denounced the whole investigation as a cover-up. It’s just something that’s been constant in the FBI’s history.
Bruce de Torres, Moderator: Whitney, what would you share about The Wellcome Leap?
W: It’s the consequence, you could argue, of the powers-that-be never being held accountable for anything over a series of decades. Essentially, the Wellcome Leap describes itself as a global DARPA equivalent [DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a “research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.” Wikipedia] allegedly advancing healthcare around the world. But when you look at the players involved it’s very clear that they have no interest in actually improving anyone’s health.
The people chosen to lead this organization are the former director and deputy director of DARPA under the Obama administration who very heavily advanced DARPA research into transhumanist technologies, specifically brain-machine interfaces and other technology aimed at essentially merging humans and machines. And they were basically headhunted out of DARPA and both brought into Google to create a DARPA-equivalent research agency for Google that produced a variety of very Orwellian technologies, including “smart” clothing, a digital pill you can swallow that essentially turns your entire body into an authentication token for your devices, which is of course quite invasive, as well as a digital tattoo that can unlock your phone among other things.
Subsequently, Regina Dugan, the DARPA director who led the Google group and now leads Wellcome Leap, was headhunted by Facebook and set up Facebook’s DARPA-equivalent, then known as Building Eight, [which] was involved in creating a non-invasive brain-machine interface, a bracelet that professes to be able to read your mind by reading your neural activity from your wrist, and know what you want to type before you even more your fingers.
These organizations are very interested in surveillance. These people have done this with funding and the coordination of an organization called The Wellcome Trust, which is like the U.K. equivalent of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in terms of its massive funding for medical research and essentially driving medical research in the U.K. and abroad. It’s the largest private medical quote-unquote charity in the United Kingdom. It has an outsized influence over decisions that, according to U.K. newspapers, “have been shaping the future of the human race since the early ‘90s.” The Trust was created in the late ‘30s by Henry Wellcome, whose company Burroughs Wellcome is now GlaxoSmithKline and was essentially set up to be a for-profit business masquerading as a charity, a quote-unquote philanthropic model later followed by the Gates Foundation, the Clinton Foundation and others. The person at the Wellcome Trust responsible for Wellcome Leap is Jeremy Farrar who appears in the Fauci emails recently released, and his communications with Fauci are among the most redacted in the entire collection. He’s very clearly a narrative manager for the powers-that-be when it comes to these events.
Essentially, what the Wellcome Leap seeks to do [involves] efforts to surveil and directly interrogate what you are thinking, what they describe as the human brain state, basically efforts to see if you’re engaging in “wrong think” or different types of activities that can easily be abused by corporate America. One program they have seeks to do exactly that with children as young as three months old. From three months old to three years old are the target of this particular program.
The first goal of that program is to map the minds of thousands upon thousands of babies and toddlers with the goal of developing an artificial intelligence brain that mimics and models directly a developing human brain. And once they have that model, to go back and by the year 2030 they want to have 80 percent of the world’s young children have their brains, they say, “pruned” – be subjected to intervention – so that their developing brains match this supposedly quote-unquote perfect AI model, which has major implications for the future of the human race in terms of what it could mean for human creativity and imagination and other things. And the fact that they think they can do this suggests that they feel unstoppable because of the things that have happened over the course of Covid-19 where children have been put up by parents as guinea pigs for experimental vaccines.
Children as young as six months have been included in these trials and studies that don’t even have long-term safety profiles for adults, let alone for children. In some countries, including in Chile, they’re essentially mandating vaccinations of teenagers, with plans to do it with three years and older by the end of the year. So with those trends it seems like these people at The Wellcome Leap think that by 2030 they can easily get access to tons of children and frankly I think that it’s a very disturbing program and shows that a lot of the powers-that-be have essentially moved on from Covid and are actively pursuing different types of technologies given what Covid-19 has unleashed.
K: We had Ari Ben-Menasche on a podcast and he said they were very worried about having Clinton do what Carter did and they would be tied to this peace process. So that’s when Epstein was brought in to basically corral Clinton.
W: I’m familiar with Ari’s claims. I wrote about [Epstein knowing Clinton while he was President] in December 2019. We spoke by phone a week or two before I published that article. And there’s a lot of evidence that that’s the case. More recently we’re seeing some of the quote-unquote big name Epstein journalists, like Vicky Ward for example, saying, maybe Epstein DID have some intelligence ties with Israeli leaders and things like this, somehow missing the fact that there was a documented relationship between Epstein and Ehud Barak going back decades.
They wanted to keep the narrative about Clinton and Epstein only knowing each other after Clinton had already left office, not wanting to focus on the involvement of Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell with members of the Clinton administration or [Epstein] having met with Bill Clinton himself as far back as the earliest months of his administration. There’s definitely a lot that they’re attempting to cover up in the 1990s regarding Jeffrey Epstein’s activities, and that’s not just with Bill Clinton. It’s also a factor with Bill Gates.
The rest of Whitney’s conversation with Kris will be posted next week, Tuesday, August 3, 2021