The Journey 51. Sarah Whalen: Diana Was Murdered (Here’s Why)
Sarah Whalen, author of “Royal Vengeance: The Assassination of Princess Diana and the Ancient Royal Cult of Human Sacrifice,” discusses her book with publisher RA “Kris” Millegan. The Monarch used to be killed, after a reign of some years, to re-earn the blessings of the gods on the kingdom. Then others were sacrificed in their place (Princess Diana in England), and sacrifices continue to be performed around the world (John F. Kennedy in 1963; 9/11 in 2001.) The public is imprinted with horror and becomes more obedient and quiet. Today we have computers and can research and spread the word. Chapters of “Royal Vengeance” are available for free at TrineDailydotcom and on Facebook. The book comes out in December 2021.

S: The king is lauded for however long the cycle is. You get to live very high. Then seven, nine years into it, people are thinking maybe it’s time to chop [your head off]. So the strategies that royals devised to avoid being chopped, they’re interesting.
K: You talk about how, when Caesar first went to Britain, the Druids were there and they were doing sacrifices. Then you mention how Henry VIII was killing people and it was their “peculiar way.”
S: The royal family has private churches. Most people don’t know this. Saint Paul’s Cathedral [where Charles and Diana got married] is built on an ancient altar to [the goddess] Diana, meaning, “That’s where you put the sacrifice.” The idea was that Charles is Apollo and Diana is Diana. And she’s always associated with the moon. Apollo is associated with the sun. So you had this union of sun and moon. It was supposed to be something really extraordinary. And it was. For as long as it lasted. It put on an enormous, impressive show. And again, it’s just something really ancient. And people started behaving in very ancient ways, thinking these people are godlike.
Henry VIII, some people would say, “Well, he’s just a serial killer.” No, he ruled for a very long time, and he knew what the traditions were. And if you look at the people that he executed – and his daughter Elizabeth did the same – they were very careful. Even to keep people in prison a very long time before executing them for seemingly no reason. They would bring them out and “Chop!” Then they were good for another seven years. It is a radical theory. I do expect to get punched around a bit over it. But I think I’ve really researched the theory. It certainly makes a lot of sense.
From a forensic point of view, I started looking at Princess Diana’s accident. This is a person who had become an enormous threat to what you would call the core ruling family. In late ’95 I told my family, they’re going to kill her. They’re going to make it look like an automobile accident or a heart attack but they will kill her. Because, first of all, someone’s got to go. I’d already been looking at the royal family and seen some people who had died in some pretty strange accidents who were around them.
K: You show in the book how they were really hoping that Diana would really elevate the whole royal family. But she just kind of didn’t go along with the program. There was a quote from one of her relatives who said, “Diana, I don’t think you should really marry them. They think and do things differently.”
S: That was a very oblique warning from her maternal grandmother who understood the royals very well. [Baroness] Ruth Fermoy had been a close friend of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.
They have what I call the inner, secret circle – these people who have supported the royals for, they go back thousands of years. They know themselves that it’s not without risk. Like the Howard family. Still very close to the British royals. And for centuries they supplied willing victims for the royals to chop. Anne Boleyn was fundamentally a Howard. Catherine Howard was Anne Boleyn’s cousin. Henry executed both those people.
Doing the act keeps the ritual going in the minds of people. The horror of it. That sort of imprinting. Nowadays, with something like 9/11, everyone in the world sees it. Everyone is imprinted with the horror of that huge sacrifice. It changes mindset. People become more obedient for a period of time. They become more quiet. They realize there’s a price to be had for questioning.
Their real estate holdings are enormous. Most of London is owned by them. Most farm land is owned by them. They have corporations. They have a lot of people running it. But it’s an enormously wealthy family. And they are powerful.
Princess Diana was prevented from going to the hospital. She survived that accident. She had a tear in her pulmonary vein. She had a better than fifty percent chance of living. She could have probably lived. Instead, they delayed her an hour and a half getting to the hospital. They just kept her in the road, in an ambulance. That was deliberate, I think, murder. They take an hour cutting the top of the Mercedes off. They didn’t need to do that to get Diana out. She was in the back seat. She was fine. The roof was not impeding them taking her out of the car. But they just spent all that time. I believe it was deliberate.
And even the ambulance, they stopped. The reporters couldn’t believe it. They were on scooters, following the ambulance. They had to stop their scooters, get off and walk them because the ambulance was going so slow.
The people who are close to the crown but not part of the inner, secret circle, these people are all potential victims. And I think that there is a growing consciousness among the aristocracy. They don’t want to hang their children out anymore for that. There’s nothing in it for them. And they’ve been doing it for a thousand years.
People aren’t going to play the game anymore. Too many people are dying. And too much is being written. The same system that creates this massive befuddlement, when you see something like 9/11, also opens the door for ordinary people to say, “This doesn’t look right to me. How did all this happen?” And just like with your Kennedy assassination groups, people start putting their heads together. And they have computers. And they’re intelligent. They start inquiring. And now they can publish.
K: That’s why TrineDay came about. Your book is “Royal Vengeance: The Assassination of Princess Diana and the Ancient Royal Cult of Human Sacrifice.” It is a fantastic book. A very deep book. And we are releasing a chapter about each month on Facebook and at TrineDailydotcom until the whole book comes out in December 2021.