The Journey 49. Bruce de Torres: The Truth Sets Us Free
Bruce de Torres discusses his book, “God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free,” with publisher Kris Millegan. There is more out there than taught in school or church. Once discovered, it’s quite a journey to re-orient oneself. The people in the shadows don’t like republics with democratic institutions. They spew mis- and disinformation, to divide us into groups and marginalize us. As truth is spread, the folks in the shadows have less options. There is a fertile passion for the truth among young people. Something will happen when enough of us know.

K: My main thing was CIA-drugs. The first people I really found that I could talk to were people that had a wide view. Their job allowed them to see many different directions. Then I found the people that had children to be the most wanting to do something. That’s the basic dynamic. They send us off to school and church. Then at some point in time we discover that maybe there’s something different out there.
B: In 2004 someone first said to me that 9/11 was not what the official story says. I started looking into it. Every spare moment. By 2006, I was galvanized even more when I really comprehended what the Federal Reserve is. I had already written what I wanted about consciousness and the nature of reality. And then in 2014 I thought, what if I put these together as problems solved by the truth of our nature and the quote-unquote truth of these things, and I got excited about framing the kind of book that I brought to you last year.
It’s a profound journey to re-orient one’s life and premises, habits and beliefs as you discover how the government really works and society works and the powers-that-be work. It makes moot what one could imagine, “Well, these are my career goals.” If there’s so much that’s phony and so many ways that we’re being played, it’s a very, very rocky, bumpy journey to get re-oriented, to get new sea-legs, to overcome the seasickness. Like Dorothy plopping down in Oz after the hell of that tornado ride. That tornado ride, that’s the journey, when someone discovers the things behind the scenes. It’s a nauseating tornado ride until you get a whole new orientation.
K: I was real lucky when I had my daddy tell me some stuff when I was nineteen. I didn’t understand what he had to say and I didn’t really believe it. Especially, “Communism’s all a sham. These same secret societies. It’s all a game.” I was so lucky. I got to take that journey over years. But now I watch people having to go through it very rapidly. We’re in a situation now where you’ve got multiple players out there. A lot more people on the playing field with a lot more agendas spewing a lot more mis- and disinformation, to get people into groups. I would try and tell people for years that conspiracy theory is a minefield, a lot of it, to make you go over the edge so that you become marginalized.
B: People are saying, and this was my hope, that [my book] is a great reference, to refresh people who are very knowledgeable about these things, and an unsurpassed introduction [to these things].
K: It’s about looking at the dynamic and trying to understand it. Our founding fathers went through quite a lot of hell, for generations, to understand about a republic with democratic institutions. The people in the shadows do not like republics with democratic institutions. They would much rather have a strongman that they could manipulate. I’m just very, very hopeful because, by getting this information gets out, it gives the people in the shadows less options.
B: I’m hopeful based on the metaphysics. But [based on the podcasts I’ve been on,] there are a ton of young folks out there who are wide open. There’s a fertile passion for the truth. The greatest hope I have is the metaphysics and how that lines up with what the founders created. What they created works when there’s a population of literate folks who participate in picking the right representatives and riding herd on them to make sure that they work for us and not special interests, and how to create those kinds of human beings is a huge message inside my book, about thinking for ourselves, and what is a human being, and how does a human being naturally learn by being driven by curiosity, and the importance of reading, in order to be able to think well, and especially the importance of history, to know, as the founders bent over backwards to teach, that the nature of government is to slowly be usurped by cliques, factions and “the rich;” to appreciate the now hidden value of what the founders were trying to do.
I love the bell curve as a model for humanity. The vast majority of us just go along. We’ll do what quote-unquote everybody does. If we all care about politics and elections, we all kind of do it. But if our country gets transformed to hate the Jews – for example, Nazi Germany – well, okay, you have to start persecuting the Jews. It’s on the fringes you get these extremes of these great activists who really agitate for truth and they’ll sacrifice themselves for the love of humanity. They’re saint-like and they really inspire us. Gandhi. Martin Luther King Jr. Et cetera, et cetera. On the other fringe – it’s a fringe, it’s a small percentage – there are psychopaths, who have a lust for power and a pleasure for masochistically abusing societies if not individuals. And it’s these folks in the middle – something will happen when enough of us know more about what happens in the shadows and how we’re being played.
K: They’re always setting us up, one way or the other. The way to get beyond that is for us to play our own game and to create our own narrative. We’ve got a book coming out called “Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond.” This is going to create a whole new narrative about what has been happening and what can happen. When the American Revolution happened, it happened with basically 15, 20 percent of the population. Most of the rest were just sitting on the couch. That’s similar to the dynamic that’s going on now. I pray and hope for the best.