The Journey 39. John Potash: Nazis in Latin America Helped CIA Smuggle Cocaine to U.S.
Author John Potash (DRUGS AS WEAPONS AGAINST US: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Leftists) and publisher Kris Millegan discuss the CIA trafficking drugs into America (with Vice President Bush “kind of coordinating with Ollie North the trafficking of the cocaine”), the “dark side” of CIA drugs (MK-Ultra mind control, developed with Nazis the CIA had brought here), how beloved musicians were manipulated to use drugs, and how, when they sobered up and promoted peace and activism, they were done away with.

J: I started working as an addictions counselor in 1989 in Baltimore City. I would have my clients tell me things. “Everyone knows the government’s the one that’s dealing drugs.” Then an activist from the Christic Institute [a public interest law firm founded by Daniel Sheehan, Constitutional Trial Lawyer] said, “You should see the Kerry Report about the CIA trafficking drugs during the Iran-Contra stuff.” And she gave me that Report … about Bush under Reagan and Bush kind of coordinating with Ollie North the trafficking of the cocaine. I ended up finding so much about the huge history, at least since the Opium Wars, of using drugs as weapons against populations, and of course, heroin and cocaine being the top ones, but the whole, of course, MK-Ultra use of drugs for what they all “unconventional warfare.” I thought the way to get this in people’s hearts and minds was to show the evidence that they actually targeted musicians – basically manipulated them to promote drugs, and then when these beloved musicians started sobering up and started promoting peace and activism, they were done away with sadly enough.
K: When I looked at CIA drugs for a long time, the first part I looked at was the importation, the narcotics. And then I says, “Well, I guess there’s actually the CIA, ‘the dark side,’ and that was the MK-Ultra. And then I see that Skull and Bones was started by William Russell and Alfonso Taft … and the Russell Company was the largest opium smuggling company in the United States, third largest in the world.
J: There’s something being put in the black community’s weed that is sending them psychotic. Not everyone of course, but a percentage of them. I’m getting so many mothers crying to me about their son had a hit of something that was laced and got them psychotic. And I’m not hearing that in the white community. If it was legal and had to be approved kind of thing, like cigarettes or alcohol, where they had to go through standard testing, we wouldn’t have that black market stuff that something was put in it.
K: When you look very hard at the American government, you find two big black programs, and one of them is drugs, and the other is the continuance of government. Why did the Rockefellers go to Arkansas and West Virginia and say, “Hey, you need some help with your governance there?” It’s because they’re mountainous states and you can do whatever you want in the mountains. And Arkansas was where they basically based the drug part and West Virginia was where they based the continuance of government part.
J: In 1991 I met John Stockwell, former CIA agent whistleblower, and he said, “I know my fellow CIA agents were flying heroin from Vietnam into American cities.” I asked [former U.S. Attorney General] Ramsey Clark at a conference, “What do you think about how the government uses drugs?” And he said he thinks that “the government uses drugs to sedate and divide the masses.”
It’s obvious that these wars actually were for resources. And one of the biggest and most profitable resources is heroin, and another one is cocaine. Now granted, it’s for other resources, too, like oil, but heroin and cocaine are extremely profitable and also they have the other effect of they help control populations.
Cocaine came from small-time wars throughout Latin America, with, believe it or not, Nazi fugitives who the CIA got down there under Operation Sunshine. Of course, they had brought the other Nazi fugitive scientists into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip and got them involved in some of these MK-Ultra experiments.