The Journey Podcast 38. Ari Ben-Menashe: Epstein Honey-Trapped President Clinton
Former Israeli intelligence official Ari Ben-Menashe (author of “PROFITS OF WAR: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network”) and publisher Kris Millegan discuss the elites who pull the strings, the situation in Myanmar, how governments are using the Covid crisis, and how the Epstein story was about “honey trapping a president of the United States and changing [the] foreign policy of the United States.”

K: How did intelligence affect your life? How does it affect the life of the world?
A: You see things in a different light than other people see them. Everybody is your friend and everybody is your enemy. You can talk to anybody and everybody you want to talk to or you have to talk to. The words “enemy,” “friends,” sort of fade away. Everybody’s fair game.
K: What’s the objective of intelligence?
A: To collect information about other people and what they want. Officially, realistically, it can make life better for people, when you know what other people really are thinking and wanting.
K: A large part of intelligence is just taking notes. Finding out what’s going on. You get the public information and then you start getting the private information. And then things start going actionable.
A: I was working in the Israeli consulate in Teheran just before the revolution, 1977, 78, and the best way to collect intelligence or whatever you want to call it, information, I used to go to Teheran University and I used to meet people there and talk to them. The Israelis became more aware of what’s about to happen than the U.S. government, that they were informing the U.S. government at the time about what was occurring in Iran. The Israelis were well aware that something’s afoot in Iran while President Carter was praising the Shah.
K: My father, one of the things he told me about was, he looked at me and he says, “The Vietnam War is about drugs, and there’s these secret societies behind it.” And then he says, “And communism’s all a sham. These same secret societies are behind it all. It’s all a big game.”
A: Some of it is a big game, of course. Depending where, when, how. Sure. It’s a game. It’s a commercial game. People were selling drugs and so on, in Vietnam and so on and so forth. But not all of it.
K: The drug trade has been a huge cash cow for many people, especially the people in the shadows. And you were intimately involved in some of this shadow activity.
A: We were not all bad.
K: I’m not saying that everybody is all bad.
A: Some people were involved in drugs. Yes, that’s true. That’s very true. But a lot of this activity was legitimate. Is legitimate. Was legitimate at the time. Because governments sometimes hide things. Sometimes people aren’t aware of foreign cultures. A lot of it is legitimate. Some is not.
K: This big cash pile out there in the shadows has allowed people to take over other companies. If we had two sugar companies – but really there’s just one big sugar trust – and you have one company that’s bringing back cocaine and the other isn’t, which one is going last? That’s one reason why I’ve worked very hard to get cannabis legal and get these other drugs into a more legal market outside of the black market because the black market allows people in the shadows too much sway.
A: I totally agree with you. The black market should be brought to a minimum.
K: Now, you got put in jail for basically standing up and telling the truth. How did you feel about that?
A: It released me from the burden of being part of the intelligence service. I got lucky. I told the truth in the trial and I got acquitted. And it released me from my burdens of the past.
K: Who’s pulling some strings in the world these days? What’s going on? How does Ari see the world?
A: I think it’s a multi-lateral world. It isn’t only America and China. It’s a multi-lateral world with people pulling strings all over the place, and we have to live with it.
K: What do you want to see in the future? What would you like to see a future world look like?
A: A multi-lateral world with people living in peace with each other, working together. Not giving one or two big countries the power to control our lives.
K: When I look at the world, I see a leviathan. And the top level is mining, metal, and money. The money is supposed to be based on the metal. Those people are in a pretty good position. Then I find the middle section to be drugs, guns, and oil. This is a very active thing. War gets used a lot, to get players into position. And then where this meets the road is media, movies/music, and quote-unquote magic, the ability of these people in the shadows to hoodwink us sometimes and also their preponderance on using mass trauma to scare the bejesus out of us and keep us in line. I see the JFK assassination as “the killing of the king,” a mystical rite. You kill the king, you take his power. And 9/11 was a similar thing. I looked into conspiracy theory very heavily, and I can find a book that blames it all on the Jews, blames it all on the Mormons, blames it all on the hippies, blames it all on the Masons, blames it all on one particular group. So – you’re talking to the people in Myanmar?
A: Yes, I am. We are their consultants. The whole media is all reporting wrongly about what really occurred there. There’s a lot of things to put together. It isn’t one side or the other. And, you’re right. It’s not one issue. And we believe, against all media speculation, that we can probably get a peaceful democracy by helping the military there do a transition because they can do it. It’s a stable force. Our company did the same thing in Sudan, and we were successful. We’re trying to apply the same model in Myanmar, and our friends in the government right now are listening to us. And what bothers me about this all is that the media is going crazy. I’ve been attacked personally in the last two weeks at least 50 times by different media outlets. We have had many, many media calls about this right now, and they really got it wrong.
K: The media, sometimes there’s an agenda there.
A: It’s clearly an agenda. All of them are on the same track. Because nobody’s there. To try to change the media, we asked the government of Myanmar to give some visas to western media. Now there’s a CNN crew in Myanmar. Maybe they’ll see realistically what is happening and maybe change the narrative. Maybe.
K: I like discussion. I think that where we’ve got a problem, how do we solve it? We talk about it.
A: That’s right. We go talk about it. We don’t sanction each other and yell and scream at each other or shoot at each other. Let’s go talk about it. And that’s also where the world of intelligence comes in. Because some intelligence work could be smart work, not just buying and selling drugs.
K: Question about world politics: what’s going on, Ari? What’s going on in the world?
A: Two countries that seem to be the most powerful countries on earth, China and the U.S., are competing for resources instead of sitting down and talking to each other.
K: How much money are we spending on weapons of war and trying to kill each other?
A: Producing weaponry and destroying it without war is good for the economy. It’s a big item. The U.S. economy is basically based on producing weaponry. Most of it isn’t used. Most of it is just buried somewhere in the desert after a while. It keeps the economy rolling. They’re millions of people employed.
K: Yeah, and we’ve got millions of homeless people now. We’ve got people claiming that Covid’s a hoax and the whole thing is designed for control. What are your thoughts on Covid?
A: It did happen. And a lot of governments are using it right now for control. This liberal government in Canada is almost now acting like a fascist government. People are talking … this good, liberal Canadian government has turned into a fascist dictatorship, and Covid has allowed them to do so.
K: Once the chum was in the water, a lot of agendas came out. Covid showed the paucity and perfidy of a lot of government action, and another thing it kind of laid bare is “what is money?” Because they’re just pulling money out from everywhere. In Canada I believe they’re giving the citizens, we get told, $2,000 a month or something like that. What is money, Ari, and who controls it?
A: There are a few western governments that their currency is recognized as something that can be used, like the States, Canada, Australia, U.K, European Union. Basically, they’re printing paper right now and giving it to people. But this is also wrong. In Canada, despite of the fact that the government is reporting that there’s over six million unemployed, go try to find somebody to work for you. You won’t get a worker. They’re getting two thousand or whatever a month for staying at home.
K: So where does this money come from.
A: The printing press. It’s backed with nothing. This is the trouble with it. It’s going to collapse the economies. Mr. Biden is wrong by giving out all this money without making sure people go back to work.
K: The question of “what is money” –
A: It’s what a few governments choose to give out to people. Covid-19 laid the whole thing bare.
K: My father was on the outside of Operation Golden Lilly. Supposedly there’s more “black” gold, gold that’s off the books, than gold that’s on the books.
A: That’s all nonsense. Sorry. Money, right now, is what’s printed by a few governments. Other governments can print money but people don’t recognize them as useful. Currency printed by a few governments, this currency is recognized, it’s psychological or whatever, as valuable.
K: Will we ever have honest money? Is there honest money?
A: Honest money is what the government decides is honest.
K: Who runs the world, Ari? Does anybody run the world?
A: Nobody. No. There’s all kinds of elites around the world that pull strings. But the most powerful ones are the ones that can print this money and give it out.
K: Any comments on the honey traps that are out there, like Epstein.
A: Well, the Israelis were experts on this, my Israeli friends. Epstein’s story, the most interesting part about this was, when Bill Clinton got elected, the Israelis got really worried that they have another Jimmy Carter on their hands, which would force them to do a peace deal that they don’t want to do, like Jimmy Carter forced them to do the deal with Egypt when they didn’t really want to do that deal. That’s where Epstein came in and became a very powerful force. He brought Clinton under Israeli control by the honey traps that he did with him. That was the main issue with Epstein. That was what made the Epstein story so compelling. It was about honey trapping a president of the United States and changing foreign policy of the United States. That’s why I put a lot of importance to the Epstein story.