The Journey Podcast 36. John Herlosky: Nothing Can Be Hidden From a Remote Viewer
Former police officer and private military contractor John Herlosky and publisher Kris Millegan discuss John’s book, A SORCERER’S APPRENTICE: A Skeptic’s Journey into the CIA’s Project Stargate – how John learned “remote viewing,” the scientifically validated extrasensory perception that lets psychic spies describe targets half a world away and look into the future.

J: It started for me with PSYCHIC WARRIOR by former Special Operations soldier Major David Morehouse. In it he described a unit that employed extrasensory perception in intelligence gathering. They didn’t choose psychics per se. They chose people who were intelligent, who had an artistic bent, and who thought outside the box. And then they taught them how to use their psychic ability. It seems that everyone has psychic ability. Some have a really good ability. Some have maybe a less ability. I spent the next year and a half learning as much as I could about remote viewing. Then I attended a workshop Major Morehouse put on, and never looked back. The book is my experience with Dr. Morehouse and the other members of the Stargate Unit that were my mentors and instructors.
K: Now this was a private thing. This wasn’t part of the government.
J: Right.
K: Did you remote view?
J: In the first class I was in, I was the only one who got nothing the first time. But I eventually found that I did have the ability and I had more than what you would call an average ability. And so I started taking more of his classes and advancing to operational status.
K: What was it like, these classes?
J: Simply sitting at a desk, with the lights lowered, so we could relax and let our minds go blank. Then he would read off a set of encrypted coordinates, a random series of numbers assigned to the target, that stood for the concept of the target. Remote viewers always work in the blind. You can’t tell them what the target is. Because that would bring up all sorts of associations by the mind. Using the protocols and methodology, we would describe verbally and sketch visually what we experienced. I would close my eyes. And as I would receive information, I would write it down, and against the backdrop of my eyes, images would form, and I would write down these images. I was invited to one of his most advanced classes, where we did our first operational remote viewing.
K: Can you talk about that?
J: David was asked by the family of Michael Scott Speicher, who was the first pilot shot down in the first Gulf War.
K: We have a book about that. AN AMERICAN IN THE BASEMENT.
J: The family didn’t buy the Pentagon’s explanation for what happened to him. And they asked Dr. Morehouse to do sessions, to find out currently what Speicher’s status was. We did 45 sessions. I described a building from the inside out. David collated all of the data and it was sent off to the family. Years later the Pentagon stated that they had found his body in the desert, which seemed to repudiate everything that the remote viewers stated, which was that at the time that we were given the target, he was alive. I was completely shattered by this. Several years later, I went online and looked up Speicher, and I came upon Amy Waters Yarsinske, who wrote the book you’re talking about. It seemed to say that the results that the remote viewers got was correct, and that the Pentagon was, again, lying. So I contacted Amy, and I gave her a copy of my results, and she stated that I was absolutely correct. She even recognized the building in Iraq that I had seen in session.
K: Basically, Speicher was shot down by friendly fire. But there was an admiral out on a ship, and he was responsible for getting Speicher shot down, and he didn’t want to own up to it. So because of that, Speicher spent almost a year on the ground, in hiding with Bedouins, until he finally got captured by Iraqis. Why can’t they just tell us some truth?
J: It was too embarrassing at the time.
K: I don’t care!
J: The remote viewing military program was started in the 70s and went all the way up through 1995, where the CIA killed it. The program, during its entire 20-plus year duration, was under constant scrutiny by people with their own agenda. Governments really don’t like the idea of having total exposure. They like their secrets. And with remote viewing, you can’t hide secrets. There’s nothing that can be hidden from a remote viewer.