The Journey Podcast 34. Daniel Estulin: The Bad Guys Can Never Win
Author Daniel Estulin and publisher Kris Millegan discuss Daniel’s book, THE TRUE STORY OF THE BILDERBERG GROUP, the international bestseller about the annual meeting of leaders from Western Europe, Canada, and the United States. (They want a single world economic system and global government, like a global mafia. But they can never win. There’s more of us than there are of them, and, intrinsically, we all want to be free.)

D: Back in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, the Bilderberg meetings were very important. We had all their annual meeting reports, photographs, documents, who said what to whom. Suddenly we had proof that these nameless and faceless “they,” and all their evil deeds, exist. This is what they did and this is where they met.
When my book came out, I had no idea we were going to do eight million copies in 68 countries, 34 languages, five continents. When people ask me, who’s the guy who knows more about so-and-so. I always say, Kris Millegan knows the most in America about CIA-drugs, Skull and Bones, and the Kennedy assassination. There’s no one like him.
K: You caused Conrad Black some problems.
D: Not enough is said about Jim Tucker. He was the first guy for decades to do stuff on the Bilderbergers. Jim Tucker and I would be slogging all over the world, covering the Bilderberg group. He and I would be the only ones there, before Bilderberg became popular. Mostly Europe. Every four or five years, the meeting would take place in the United States. But the rest of the time it would be in Europe.
In 1996, when Bilderberg was in Toronto, Conrad Black was a big man. Then he went to prison for all kinds of deviations. I think because he started believing his own propaganda, that he was going to become prime minister of Canada.
We had a lot of access to wonderful information in 1996, and we released it to the media. The whole thing about the Quebec Referendum, breaking Canada into French-speaking and English-speaking parts, was a very big part of the Bilderberg meeting in Canada in 1996. So all this stuff about their plans came out. And it made enough noise to convince Quebec to vote to remain instead of voting to leave. And Conrad Black took the blame.
K: What do you see for the future?
D: We’re coming to the end of the current economic model based on infinite growth. Now we are in Global 4.0, the trans-industrial economy, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc. Because we’ve reached the limits to growth within this model, the global elites, somehow, they need a new model. All the stuff we’re seeing right now, the Great Reset, Covid, this is all part of a change to a new technological paradigm. It’s a difficult thing for them to implement because people are waking up and realizing that what they’re doing is not in our favor but against us.
K: I think we can flip the script. There’s more of us than there are of them. I’m very hopeful for the future. As far as I’m concerned, we need a reset. We need a new system. One thing that we’ve been doing is exposing what’s been going on behind the curtain. By exposing all of this, it doesn’t have the same ability to pull of its shenanigans, to pull off the hoodwink.
D: According to International Monetary Fund discussions, the Reset is the next step in the single world economic system and also potential global government, which is, needless to say, their objective.
K: Just because they propose this, that doesn’t have to be what happens. We have the ability, with discussion, to take over our own affairs.
D: How would a global mafia control every country in the world? One, make people hate each other. You see this in the United States and globally. And make people hate their country. Which is another thing which is being done right now. Globally, you have demonstrations, lawlessness, depression, conflict, etc. What do people want? They want order. How do you get order? Dictatorship, police state, Big Brother, Big Data, social rating, etc. To bring humanity closer to global control under the rubric of war on terror, war on radicalism, war on Covid, war on whatever. The bureaucratic control mechanism in every country is under the control of the same people. You sell people despair. You sell people hopelessness. And it’s working.
K: But we’re getting more transparency and we’re getting much more dialogue. When I was a kid, if you were lucky, you got three channels. Now you get a lot more. Every day, it gets cheaper and cheaper to tell stories, and there are more place to tell stories. [We don’t need Hollywood like we used to.]
D: The bad guys can never win. That’s got to be the base of underlying philosophy. We will win. And they’re going to do everything they can to drag us to hell. Which is why we have to stay together, and understand that there’s few of them. We fought for freedom for thousands of years. And they will never take it away from us because, intrinsically, we all want to be free.