$100 Says Conservatives Can’t Do It — By John Barbour
This is a brand new $100.00 bill.

I will happily send it to the 1st Political Conservative who openly says he or she hates Liberals, and Democrats, but who can answer my request.
At Agent Orange’s “I will walk with you” incited riots on Jan. 6th!! (another cowardly lie…like his foot spurs for ducking Viet Nam), a bunch of his uninformed misguided looneys hollered: “The Dems and Libs and Biden are turning us into a Socialist country!” Since these uneducated idiots swallowed these Right Wing lies, and those of legally unproveable voter fraud, they might find it hard to swallow these historic Truths. But here they are:
To anyone collecting Social Security or benefiting from Medicare, like I and my wife thankfully are, or are paying into it…as you all are, here’s where it came from. It came from the Great Depression of the 30’s, created by the failures of Capitalism and Corporate Greed, still evident every day. In order to help the millions of unemployed and starving people…and the imminent possibility of a Socialist/Communist Revolution, and to save Capitalism and Free Enterprise, Dem. President Roosevelt and his Socialist VP Henry Wallace…borrowed most of the Socialist Party’s ideas…and passed them into Law: Social Security, Medicare, Workman’s Comp., 8-hr work days, the right to unions, no child labour, Free Education, a National Work and Arts Program, Glass Steagall (to regulate Wall St. and Bankers)…and much more. All Socialist!!
So, this 100 dollar bill goes to the 1st Conservative Republican who can show me 1 Bill introduced and passed by the Senate, instituted by Republican Conservatives, that helps ALL Americans just half as much as any of the above introduced by Dems & Libs.
Six years ago I made the same offer. No one got the 100…but I got 100 very profane notes. 3 SMILES I make it again because the dumbing down of this once intelligence, Arts, and Scientist loving country has gone up dramatically. (I came here when Einstein was as popular as Joe DiMaggio!!!)
I will send the 100 immediately to the genius Conservative from whom I get a proveable reply…which I will happily post!!!

John Barbour changed the face of American television as the creator, producer, principal writer, and co-host of Real People, television’s first reality show. He is a five-time Emmy award winner, a storied actor and performer, a joke and script writer, and entertainment professional across genres.

YOUR MOTHER’S NOT A VIRGIN! The bumpy life and times of the Canadian dropout who changed the face of American TV! In his highly entertaining, deeply informative autobiography you will indeed discover…what a storyteller. And what amazing stories! Also available at Book Depository and Amazon.