Child Rape: The National Security Problem
This is the fifth chapter of the new TrineDay book “Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape,” by Lori Handrahan, PhD.
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– 2015 Report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography1

Dan Payne, Director, Defense Security Service
In May 2016, the Pentagon’s Defense Security Service Director, Daniel Payne told reporters the “amount of child porn” on government computers is just “unbelievable.” I contacted Payne’s office seeking clarification and was told, “Director Payne was speaking from his 34 years of experience in the field of counterintelligence and security, and involvement in the Inspector General community. His remarks were not Agency specific; rather, he was speaking in terms of the government as a whole.”2
The quantity of child pornography, a crime dominated by organized crime, on government computers as a whole, is “unbelievable” and this did not even make headline news. Most Americans are unaware that the Defense Security Service Director made this remarkable statement because journalists have, largely, failed to report on the serious national security issue of government employees involved in the child-rape trade. To my knowledge, The Christian Science Monitor was the only major media outlet to cover Payne’s statement:
While the notion of government employees and contractors with high levels of security clearance looking at child pornography was disturbing on its own, internal records retrieved through the Freedom of Information Act revealed the problem is not limited to military and intelligence agencies. In the past three years, agencies ranging from the Postal Service to the Federal Highway Administration substantiated about 40 allegations that employees or contractors opened child pornography or provocative images of minors using government resources. The number of confirmed cases may be higher now since many federal organizations, such as the National Security Agency (NSA), did not respond to requests for records about similar investigations.”3
While complete data is not available, it is evident that disturbing numbers of government employees, often in leadership positions, have been caught trading in child rape at the Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DOJ), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Department of Transportation (DOT), Transportation Security Agency (TSA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), among other federal agencies and at local and state-level government offices from Maine to California.4 The alarming number of government employees arrested on child pornography charges renders this a national security issue because these employees have opened U.S. government networks to organized crime and have also made themselves vulnerable to blackmail by hostile governments seeking to exploit America’s weaknesses.
The absence of accurate data on how many federal government employees have been arrested for trading in child rape is due to the failure of the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations to require their executive branch agencies maintain “official numbers related to employees who access child pornography on federal government computers.”5 The Trump administration has also not yet mandated that this data be gathered and made public. Likewise, at the state level, governors are not requiring their agencies to collect and report on employees arrested on child pornography charges.
Criminal behavior, particularly at the top of an organization, establishes permissible conduct for the entire workplace. This culture permeates the government – compromising national security on many levels, from classified information to the safety and well-being of law-abiding government employees and U.S. citizens. For example, an Army prosecutor and judge advocate like Daniel Wollverton, sentenced for infant sodomy and 30,000 child rape images, would have been unlikely to hold his own colleagues accountable for sexual assault against other military staff.6 David O’Brien, a scientist responsible for monitoring global nuclear activity, was sentenced to federal prison for trading in child rape including from Russian sources on government computers.7 He certainly compromised America’s security by exposing sensitive computer networks to organized crime and hostile foreign entities. These are two examples out of hundreds, including an Undersecretary of the Navy, James Daniel Howard, and a Navy Deputy Assistant Secretary, Wade Sanders.8
Disturbingly, individual arrests are not isolated events. As previously mentioned, pedophiles are highly networked. “Molesters working as a team… can cover up each other’s tracks and use their connections to outwit the police.”9 By virtue of their positions, government pedophiles have a unique ability to hide their crimes, avoid prosecution or obtain light sentences if caught. When those involved in child pornography are top government employees, responsible for America’s national security, it is easy to understand why this is a serious problem. Given the number of known arrests, it certainly appears pedophiles may be connected through out our military, law enforcement, and civilian governments agencies; protecting and helping each other avoid prosecution and access children for rape and torture.
This is a problem for America’s children. This is a problem for us all.
The Military
In 2011, journalist Bryan Bender, with the Boston Globe, reported up to 5,200 Pentagon employees with top security clearances were engaged in child pornography on Pentagon computers.10 Many were using their government email accounts and paying with credit cards. The brazenness with which America’s most elite military men committed this crime indicates a culture that tolerates, perhaps even encourages, child pornography. What’s worse is there were almost no prosecutions. The Pentagon closed the investigation, claiming it wasn’t “a priority.”11 Senator Charles Grassley fought a losing battle to expose the Pentagon’s refusal to examine 1,700 of the 5,200 reports. Denial. Nothing to see here. Move along please. And everyone did.
Not a Priority

Photo: David B. Gleason/Chicago
In July 2012, Bloomberg News reported the U.S. Missile Defense Agency issued a memo reminding staff not to download pornography at work.12 “Specifically,” the memo reads, “there have been instances of employees and contractors accessing websites, or transmitting messages, containing pornographic or sexually explicit images.… These actions are not only unprofessional, they reflect time taken away from designated duties, are in clear violation of federal and DOD and regulations, consume network resources and can compromise the security of the network.”13 When America’s most elite security professionals responsible for our missile defense system need to be told not to access pornography (perhaps child pornography, the memo did not specify) on government networks, America has a serious problem.
Lt. Col. Zatyko, former Department of Defense Computer Forensics Laboratory (DCFL) Director, told journalists, in 2012, regarding child pornography investigations, “we always have cases in the queue… and more work than we can handle.”14 Merritt Baer, owner of a cyber-security firm and former clerk with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, reported, in 2013, there was an “overwhelming flow of child pornography appeals” in the military’s appellate court. Baer estimated two-thirds of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces docket were child pornography cases.15 While complete data on how many military employees have been prosecuted for trading in child rape has not been gathered, the information that is available is shocking.
Cascade of Child Sex Abuse
In 2016, the Los Angeles Times, called child abuse in the military a “little-noticed cascade” and reported in many cases “military officials knew or suspected that child abuse or neglect was occurring – but failed to intervene or to alert the Family Advocacy Program or state child welfare agencies.”16 Defense Department officials say child pornography arrests and convictions are not “tracked” and so it is “difficult to determine how widespread the problem might be.”17 Although the Department of Defense (DOD) issues an annual report on sexual assaults on adults in the military, this report fails to include child sexual assaults and child pornography convictions.18 A 2015, Associated Press (AP) investigation “found the single largest category of inmates in military prisons to be child sex offenders.”19
In 2013, the Navy pledged greater transparency regarding sexual assaults, including against children, and now provides public monthly courts-martial information available on the website.20 As of April 2017, there were ten Navy military court cases involving child pornography and child rape since the start of the year. In the Army, in March 2017, six Army staff were involved in court-martial proceedings on child pornography charges and eleven on child sex abuse charges.21 As of June 2017, 23 Marines were in court-martial proceedings for child sexual assault and/or child-pornography related charges.22 As of April 2017, Stars and Stripes had 200 articles related to child pornography arrests in the military.
The Military Times said, in 2013, “the Army’s child abuse and neglect epidemic is tragic and rapidly getting worse.”23 From 2003 to 2012, some 30,000 Army children were abused with 1,400 cases of sexual assault and 118 child murders.24 From 2011-2012 the Marine Corps reported 1,591 confirmed cases of child abuse. The Navy reported 3,336 cases of reported child abuse from 2009 to 2012.25 Child abuse reports increased 25 percent in the Air Force from 2008-2012. In a one-year period, 2011-2012, in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps there were 12,881 cases of child abuse, 753 of which were sexual assaults with 67 children killed. In 2016, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, when Talia’s Law was passed, claimed there were 29,000 cases of child abuse and neglect in military families in the past decade.26 The percentage of child sexual assault and/or child pornography in all the above estimates is unknown.
In 2016, after the Associated Press (AP) filed numerous freedom of information act (FOIA) requests, partial information was released by the military. AP suggested the data provided seemed low and said the “numbers fall well-short of offering a full picture.”27 Compared with military data from earlier years, cited above, the data the military provided to AP does appear to be incomplete. In addition, child pornography, specifically, was not reported. Although child sexual assault and child pornography production are often synonymous, this is not always reflected in the investigations, convictions or data.
The military reported to AP there were 1,584 cases of reported child sexual assault from 2010-2014. Most often the sexual assault was of girls by male relatives in positions of military leadership; corporals, sergeants and staff sergeants.28 AP’s findings are consistent with research, cited in previous chapters, about who trades in child rape and how they access the children; men, most often fathers, in positions of power sexually abusing their own children and/or children of family friends.29 Like Marine Corporeal Aaron Masa, profiled in the AP article, who groomed a fellow Marine and, unbeknownst to the Marine father, used his friendship with the family to gain access to the father’s 3-year-old stepdaughter and infant daughter to produce child pornography.30
The Policy Lab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has documented that an estimated one in five cases of Army children diagnosed by doctors as assault victims are never reported to the military officals.31 Marisa Taylor, a journalist with McClatchy, confirmed that even when military staff admit to molesting children and using child pornography they are not always reported. She cites a 2010 case of an Air Force lieutenant colonel who “confessed to downloading child pornography on his Pentagon computer and to touching a child in a sexual way” during a polygraph interview for a position with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the government agency responsible for overseeing spy satellites.32 The NRO never reported the lieutenant colonel to the police or the Air Force.33
On Medium, I posted “Military Staff Trading in Child Rape & Torture” in 2014. As with my other research, I used simple Twitter and Google searches to locate mainstream media reports of military staff arrested on child pornography charges. This is by no means a comprehensive account. The data does provide a sense of the scale of the trade in child rape within our military; one that represents a serious security issue not only for military children but for all Americans. Comprehensive data collection on this subject is urgently needed.
A few examples of military arrests include:
Lt. Col. Steven Jon Frederiksen, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) employee, was sentenced, 8 November 2016, to 20 years in prison with 20 years of supervised release for producing child pornography. He pled guilty to one count of producing child pornography and one count of attempted coercion and enticement of a minor. Frederiksen targeted and coerced, at least four girls age 14–17 years old, to produce videos/images while he was at work and from his government computer. He was also trading in the rape of prepubescent children from his government computer. Frederiksen is a West Point graduate. He joined the Army in 1995 and was a Boy Scout and church youth leader.34

Col. Robert Joel Rice
Col. Robert Joel Rice, an Army War College war game developer, was charged, April 2013, with 130 child pornography counts. After many delays, Rice was sentenced, 28 December 2016, to 12 years in federal prison followed by 10 years of supervised released concurrent with a four-year prison sentence from a military court-martial in October 2016. The Army War College continued to employ Rice, while he was free on bail, and allowed him supervised access to Army computers pending sentencing. At the time of his arrest, Rice had more than 30,000 images/videos of child sex abuse. His wife had discovered these and notified police.35
Robert Cuff, Navy Command Master Chief of Joint Task Force North at Biggs Army Airfield, pled guilty and received a life-sentence in July 2012 for child pornography charges. Cuff had been a Dreamboard member; an online group engaged in the violent sex abuse of children under twelve years old – otherwise known as pre-teen hard core (PTHC). Members were required to continually contribute new videos/images of child rape. Those who videoed themselves raping children “received elevated status.” Cuff had been repeatedly raping a five-year-old child. His online names included “slapalot” and “dd0040.”36
Tech Sergeant Erik Dean Rabes, a 44-year-old Air Force Computer Security Specialist who had been assigned to the U.S. Strategic Command, a joint service unit that oversees the nation’s nuclear arsenal and defends American interests in space, was sentenced to ten years for child pornography production. The military refused to confirm if Rabes had used military computers. He had more than 30,000 child sex-abuse videos/images. Rabes’ former wife had operated a day-care facility from their residence in Colorado Springs. Unknown to his wife, Rabes had been sexually abusing children, as young as four-years-old, at the day-care and filming and distributing that abuse.37
David Riley, a 37-year-old Air Force Major stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, was charged on child pornography counts after he sent “extremely graphic” child sex abuse images to an undercover Washington D.C. Metro police officer. Riley said he was “looking for other pervs in the area” and that he had sexually abused the six-year-old daughter of his former girlfriend. Riley, a married father of a six-year-old girl, said he never abuses his own daughter. The undercover officer sent Riley a picture of a child and claimed it was his daughter. Riley asked “What is the purpose of showing me pics of your daughter? Do you want to share her? … no pressure from me. Just curious.” Riley was at Fort McNair in Washington D.C., enrolled in a National Defense University course at the time.38
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 70-year-old retired Navy Captain Wade Sanders, pled guilty to child pornography possession. He had been awarded the Silver Star, the nation’s third-highest valor award. The Navy revoked this medal after Sander’s child sex abuse conviction. Sanders introduced candidate John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was sentenced to 37 months in prison.39
National Security Infrastructure
Men arrested for trading in child rape are often in significant positions in our national security infrastructure. The AP’s investigation confirms military men in leadership positions were most frequently arrested on child sex abuse charges.40 The arrests I have gathered so far are only a few out of hundreds. As I reviewed arrest records, I kept thinking, “surely this arrest is as shocking as it gets.” Inevitably, the next case was more concerning. Such as America’s chief scientist responsible for monitoring global nuclear activity at Patrick Air Force Base’s Technical Applications Center’s Atomic Energy Detection System, David O’Brien.

David O’Brien was the scientist responsible for monitoring global nuclear activity at Patrick AFB.
In May 2013, David O’Brien was arrested and charged with ten counts of child pornography possession and distribution and sentenced, October 2014, to five years in federal prison. O’Brien had a large child-
pornography collection at home and on his Air Force computer. He was trading in pre-teen hard core (PTHC) – the brutal rape and torture of very young children, often infants and toddlers. He was also exchanging Russian-sourced material. O’Brien had taken pictures of his own young granddaughter and placed images of her head over images of children being raped. He also transposed photos of Air Force employees and child-sex abuse images.
The man who was monitoring global nuclear activity for the security of our country was trading in child rape, including from Russian sources, from his Air Force computer. This means America’s Atomic Energy Detection System was likely exposed to Russian organized crime. National security journalists never reported on O’Brien’s arrest. Why not? O’Brien’s crimes against children are also crimes against all Americans. If you share my discomfort about O’Brien’s conduct, contact the Air Force and share your concerns.
The military has the technical capacity to block child pornography. Blocking programs are an easy technical fix. Iceland, for example, has been considering a nation-wide block on adult and child pornography.41 The United Kingdom has also been discussing a country-wide block on child pornography and mandating that Internet service providers create an opt-in/opt-out function to access adult pornography.42 In the U.S. some state legislatures are considering the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act which would require Internet-accessible electronics to include a filter for adult and child pornography. People wishing to access adult pornography could pay a $20 tax to unlock the filter.43 Some states have passed Internet filtering laws regulating public schools and libraries, requiring filtering software.44 The military can prevent access to child pornography on government computers. This is a choice. Is the military choosing to allow child rape images and videos on government computer networks over America’s national security?
The military, like other government agencies, is not gathering and making public comprehensive data on child pornography arrests. They should be required to do so. The Department of Defense (DOD)’s annual report on sexual assault must include child sexual assault and child pornography charges. Child sex abuse allegations are probable cause for child pornography investigations and vice versa. These investigations must be coordinated in the military. Robust and comprehensive child protection procedures must become the norm in all military investigations. Child pornography must be blocked from all military computers and regular random searches of military electronics, including personal electronic devises for those with top security clearance, must be a top priority.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, a leading advocate for ending adult sexual assault in the military, said the AP’s investigation into child sexual abuse in the military was alarming.45 The AP reported, in 2016, Senator Gillibrand, Senator Barbara Boxer of California and Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, contacted military leadership to express concerns about the alarming amount of child sex abuse within the military.46 If you wish to help protect children of military employees and our national security, contact Senator Gillibrand and ask her to continue to push the Department of Defense for transparency, accountability and oversight and prevent all military staff from engaging in the trade in child rape.
For the sake of America’s national security and all our children.
Local and State Law Enforcement
What if the Police Officer is a Pedophile?
When a report is made to law enforcement about child pornography and/or child sex abuse, it is assumed the report will be taken seriously; that police will act to protect the child and apprehend the perpetrator. But what happens when the officer receiving the report is engaged in the trade of child rape him/herself? While there are many dedicated law enforcement officers (LEOs) for whom I have tremendous respect, especially those investigating child pornography, the arrests of law enforcement engaged in this crime are alarming and appear to be widespread.47 These arrests suggest a serious problem of pedophiles in positions of power within too many local and state police agencies.
How many state and local enforcement officers have been arrested on child pornography related charges? No one knows – because law enforcement has not been collecting the data. According to the Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project (NPMRP), DOJ has failed to release data on a “wide range of misdeeds, crimes, and other misconduct that occur in law enforcement agencies.”48 Cato’s NPMRP provides a 2010 report by David Packman documenting 618 cases of sexual misconduct by law enforcement with over half of those against children.49 DOJ has issued data on problems with use of force by law enforcement with a 2015 report on estimated prevalence of use/threat of force and a 2006 report about citizen complaints about use of force.50 Issues of sexual violence, including child pornography, were not included in either report.51
In November 2015, the Associated Press (AP) published a year-long investigation of police misconduct detailing over 1,000 officers disciplined for sex crimes, including child pornography.52 AP said “some states did not provide information, and even among states that did, some reported no officers removed for sexual misdeeds even though cases were identified via official records and news stories.”53 California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, with some of the largest police forces, told AP they do not maintain records of officer misconduct. Several states, Louisiana, Maryland and North Carolina, refused to provide AP with any information at all. While there is a National Decertification Index (NDI) listing officers who have lost certification, this is voluntary, and many agencies simply choose not to share information. In addition, the NDI database does not provide information on offense type.
In November 2014, I placed on Medium “Police Trading in Child Rape & Torture” profiling 70 local and state police officers arrested on child pornography charges. My survey was out of date almost as soon as I hit “publish.” A year later I posted “When Law Enforcement is the Perpetrator,” examining only November 2015, when more than two local or state officers per week were in the news. In April 2017, I profiled 103 state and local LEOs in “Law Enforcement Arrested for Trading in Child Rape.”54 I used simple Google and Twitter searches to locate media reports of arrests.
Similar to the military, many arrested police were in leadership positions, including ten captains or chiefs, and were often trading in infant and toddler rape. Some examples include:
Officer Michael Harding, of Port St. Lucie, Florida, was arrested September 2015, on child pornography charges. He was caught in a chatroom called #toddlerfuck. Harding was trading in child rape while on duty and possessed hundreds of videos/images including “6 yo boy sucks” and “7 yo girl fingered deep in both holes.” He was Officer of the Year in 2011.55
Chief Robert Geist, the “number one possessor and distributor of child porn” in Pennsylvania, caught sending images/videos including “6Yo babyj — Bedtime rape.” Geist received no jail time.56

Chris Bowersox
Chris Bowersox, a 38-year-old Bakersfield, California police officer, was sentenced to four years in jail. He was discovered by federal investigators discussing raping and killing young boys. In one chat session another pedophile wrote, “Every time I talk someone into rape, I always get a bit sad when they’re not into this.” Bowersox responded, “Oh, I’m … into it, big time.” In another chat, Bowersox discussed how to locate a child to rape, torture and kill. One pedophile wrote “I know it can’t happen here, it’s got to be somewhere else with a bought kid or something. We’d definitely get caught if we did it here.” Bowersox replied, “Cambodia … Thailand … Mexico … deep deep Mexico.” Images of local boys were found on Bowersox’s computer.57
Maine State Police Chief Andrew Demers, charged with child sex-abuse of his four-year-old granddaughter. Demers was sentenced to five years, one of which was suspended. He served 26 years with the Maine State Police and was chief from 1987 to 1993. In 2003, Demers, the most decorated officer in state police history, was named a “Legendary Trooper.”58
Chief Brian Fanelli, of Mount Pleasant, New York, arrested in January 2014, pled guilty to child pornography charges in July 2015. Fanelli had images/videos of children as young as seven. Other videos included 10 and 12-year-old girls engaged in sex acts and a video called “10 y touch pussy webcam.” He was sentenced, January 2016, to 18 months in prison followed by five years of probation.59

Gilberto Valle was pegged in the NY tabloids as the “Cannibal Cop.” Today, he’s a free man and on
Gilberto Valle, a 30-year-old New York City police officer whose online name was Girlmeat Hunter was convicted, March 2013, of conspiracy to kidnap and illegal access of a federal government database. Valle engaged in online arrangements with a man who offered his three-year-old stepdaughter as a sex slave and his two nieces, age seven and nine, for rape. Valle also discussed plans to murder his wife, saying he would tie up her feet, slit her throat and watch the blood rush from her body. Valle’s wife installed spyware on their home computer and discovered his online activity. She gave the computer to the FBI and fled the state with their one-year-old baby.60
Valle’s computer was “loaded with crime-scene pictures of dead and mutilated women, twisted images of women being tortured and sexually assaulted.” He illegally accessed the encrypted National Crime Information Database to research kidnapping targets and had amassed over 100 potential victims including names, photos, birth dates and bra sizes. Valle claimed, in chat sessions, that he was “drafting and revising an operation plan to abduct and cook an identified woman.” He had a file called “Abducting and Cooking: A Blueprint” and had downloaded chloroform recipes to subdue his victims. A “client” asked Valle to kidnap and deliver a woman to be raped and murdered. Valle agreed to do so for $5,000 and said, “Just so that you know, she may be knocked out when I get her to you. I don’t know how long the solvent I am using will last but I have to knock her out to get her out of her apartment safely.” When the “client” tried to lower the price Valle said “I really need the money.” The “client” wrote “Just make sure she doesn’t die before I get her.”61
Despite all this, Valle walked free. Judge Paul Gardephe overturned a 2013 conviction, gave Valle a misdemeanor and released him on time-served, twenty-one months, and one year supervised release. Valle said he plans to become a criminal defense attorney and pursue custody rights of his 3-year-old daughter. He also hopes to return to the New York Police Department.62
Serve and Protect
Far too many in law enforcement appear to be engaging in this crime with what appears to be increased frequency at leadership levels. No police officer, who has sworn an oath to serve and protect, should ever be engaged in the trade in child rape. Not one. Deeply concerning is the brutal rape and violence of infants and toddlers, that so many police have been caught producing and trading. Police involved in child pornography present a serious problem for the security of America’s children and for all Americans. How can any parent have faith that their families and children will be protected by local and state law enforcement, knowing how many police are participating in the crime?
Much greater oversight and accountability of America’s state and local law enforcement is needed. Immediately.
Federal Law Enforcement
No Accurate Records
Mention federal law enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) or the Transportation Security Authority (TSA) might come to mind. There are 73 federal law enforcement agencies, from the United States Mint Police to U.S. Postal Inspectors, employing, according to the most recent U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) data, some 120,000 full-time law enforcement officers (LEOs) with the legal authority to make arrests and carry firearms. Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are the largest federal law enforcement agencies, employing four in every five LEOs; eighty-four percent of whom are men.63

There is no comprehensive data available on how many federal LEOs have been arrested on child pornography charges.
Like all other government agencies, there is no comprehensive data available on how many federal LEOs have been arrested on child pornography charges. While the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) documents assaults committed against federal LEOs, it fails to track and report on crimes which federal LEOs themselves commit. If you believe the U.S. government should make public crimes committed by federal law enforcement, including child pornography, please contact DOJ’s BJS and ask them to report on crimes committed by federal law enforcement, including child pornography-related arrests and prosecutions.
Aliya Sternstein, a journalist with The Christian Science Monitor, attempted to gather child pornography related arrests of federal government employees, including federal law enforcement. She filed freedom of information requests and reported that “many federal organizations, such as the National Security Agency (NSA), did not respond to requests for records.” The U.S. Postal System Inspector General (IG) did provide information reporting between 2014 and 2016, “the USPS inspector general closed 34 investigations into that category of misconduct” of U.S. postal system employees.64 It is worth noting, the U.S. Postal System (USPS) is one of the best federal law enforcement agencies investigating child pornography crimes. USPS agents, like Brian Bone, are well-known and respected for tackling some of the most complex cases such as Project Spade.65 USPS should receive much greater support for the work they do dismantling pedophile networks.
Perhaps the most comprehensive report available on sexual misconduct by federal LEOs is the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General’s 2015 report, “The Handling of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct by the Department’s Law Enforcement Components.”66 This report detailed cases, from 2009-2012, among federal law enforcement agencies under DOJ’s supervision; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Marshals Service (USMS).67 The Office of the Inspector General (OIG)’s report begins with a rather remarkable disclaimer explaining they were unable to obtain complete information because the FBI and DEA resisted providing the data.
The OIG’s ability to conduct this review was significantly impacted and delayed by the repeated difficulties we had in obtaining relevant information from both the FBI and DEA…. Initially, the FBI and DEA refused to provide the OIG with unredacted information that was responsive to our requests… despite the fact that the OIG is authorized under the Inspector General Act to receive such information. After months of protracted discussions with management at both agencies, the DEA and FBI provided the information without extensive redactions; but we found that the information was still incomplete. Ultimately, based on a review of information in the OIG Investigations Division databases, we determined that a material number of allegations from both DEA and FBI were not included in the original responses to our request for the information.
We were also concerned by an apparent decision by DEA to withhold information regarding a particular open misconduct case. The OIG was not given access to this case file information until several months after our request, and only after the misconduct case was closed. Once we became aware of the information, we interviewed DEA employees who said that they were given the impression that they were not to discuss this case with the OIG while the case remained open. The OIG was entitled to receive all such information from the outset, and the failure to provide it unnecessarily delayed our work. Therefore, we cannot be completely confident that the FBI and DEA provided us with all information relevant to this review. As a result, our report reflects the findings and conclusions we reached based on the information made available to us.68
Eventually, the OIG documented 621 cases of sexual misconduct and harassment among four federal law enforcement agencies. Over half, 343 cases, were in the FBI. The FBI also had the majority, 18, reported child pornography/child sex abuse cases. ATF reported two child pornography/child sex abuse cases, the DEA reported five cases and the U.S. Marshals provided two reports. The OIG noted that none of the agencies have systems in place to monitor employee’s computers.
Therefore, the reported cases likely represent a small percentage of overall engagement in the crime. Many, if not most, pedophiles are apprehended because of a mistake they make rather than routine monitoring and oversight. Only the FBI, of the four agencies, monitors text messages but claims it is “hampered in its ability to archive all text messages … due to technological limitations.” The FBI also “disabled the ability to send images on employee Blackberry devices.”69
It is concerning that federal law enforcement agencies are not only failing to maintain accurate records of employee arrests but are also refusing to share information with their own Office of Inspector General (OIG). When federal law enforcement agencies refuse to comply with legal requests from the OIG, it is nearly impossible for an unfunded researcher, like myself, to obtain comprehensive statistics. In order to acquire data on child pornography arrests for all 73 federal agencies, I would need to obtain Inspector General reports for every agency over a ten-year period, file multiple freedom of information act requests and purchase and analyze over 20,000 federal prosecution records. This kind of research is certainly possible with funding.

DHS Auditor Charles Edwards: Resigned under pressure
Unable to conduct the kind of comprehensive research this subject demands, I focused on the more powerful and well-known federal law enforcement agencies, like the FBI and Homeland Security. I did some limited searches of the many smaller law enforcement agencies and sometimes accessed Inspector General (IG) reports.70 Given that federal LEOs have refused to comply with DOJ’s Inspector General and Homeland Security’s former Inspector General, Charles Edwards, was forced to resign when he came under investigation for covering up and white-washing reports, even the accuracy of IG reports are suspect.71 A limited list of federal LEOs arrested on child pornography charges is located on my Medium profile.
Samples of arrests under DOJ’s supervision include:
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Keith Dietterle, a 28-year-old FBI Analyst, was arrested November 2012, on child pornography charges. He pled guilty to possession and was sentenced, September 2013, to more than three years in prison. Dietterle was caught when he sent child sex abuse images/videos to an undercover Metro D.C. Detective. The detective was posing as a man sexually abusing his three-year-old nephew and 12-year-old daughter. Dietterle described the rape of the children as “So hot man … how’d it start?” and discussed meeting the detective with the intention of sexually abusing the three-year-old boy.75

Brian Haller was an FBI consultant.
Brian Haller, a 40-year-old cyber-security expert contractor with the FBI, was arrested, April 2015, on child pornography charges. He was sentenced April 8, 2016, to two days and one night in jail followed by ten years of supervised release. Haller was caught in the FBI’s bust of a child rape website called Playpen. At the time of his arrest he had over 600 files of child rape and abuse. His online name was “jb” short for “jailbait” and his collection included a 40-minute video showing the sexual exploitation of an 11-year-old girl. Haller directed a FBI/private-sector cyber-security group in Seattle, Washington and had access to a secure FBI online platform and email system.72
Donald Sachtleben, a 54-year-old former FBI Agent was arrested May 2012, and charged on child pornography charges. He pled guilty to distribution and possession and was sentenced November 14, 2013, to eight years in prison. He was also sentenced to unrelated charges of disclosing and possessing classified information. Sachtleben was Director of Training at the Center for Improvised Explosives at Oklahoma State University and was with the FBI from 1983 to 2008 as a bomb technician and counter-terrorism investigator. Sachtleben’s email was He wrote to other pedophiles, “Saw your profile on (a file sharing network). Hope you like these and can send me some of ours (sic). I have even better ones if you like.”73
Samuel Kaplan, a 64-year-old FBI information technology program manager, was arrested and pled guilty June 2010, to child pornography possession. Kaplan was sentenced, August 27, 2010, to just under four years in jail followed by 15 years of supervised release. Kaplan worked in the FBI’s Chantilly, Virginia office and used “the FBI’s network to facilitate sexually explicit communications.”74
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Darren Argento, a 47-year-old, DEA Agent, was arrested, August 2010, for child pornography possession and distribution. He was sentenced August 17, 2011, to seven months in jail followed by five months of supervised release. At the time of his arrest, Argento had over 73,000 images and over 723 videos of child rape. He was caught when he brought his personal laptop to the DEA office and asked an IT employee to help back up his files. Argento is listed as a registered sex offender.76
James Patrick Burke, a 39-year-old DEA Agent, was arrested August 2015, on child pornography charges. He pled guilty, June 2, 2016, and was sentenced, April 6, 2017, to 7 years in jail followed by 15 years of supervised release. At the time of his arrest, Burke had over 2,760 images/videos of the rape and torture of children, including infants and toddlers and children being raped when bound and gagged. Burke must register as a sex offender.77
United States Marshals Service (USMS)
Christopher W. McKee, a 37-year-old intelligence analyst with the U.S. Marshals, was arrested on three counts of child pornography. McKee pled guilty April 2013, and was sentenced August 15, 2013, to five years of probation with no jail time. McKee kept a collection of child sex abuse labeled “teens” and “teen sluts” in his Arlington, Virginia office and downloaded thousands of images/video of child sex abuse on his work computer. McKee is a registered sex offender.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
DHS protects itself from infamy. Often news of convictions appear, then disappear.78
– Julia Davis, National Security Reporter, March 2014-
There has been a fair amount of media attention devoted to arrests of Homeland employees as well as Homeland’s refusal to provide data about employee misconduct.79 No one knows how many Homeland Security employees have been arrested on child pornography charges because Homeland is refusing to provide public information about these crimes. If you wish to take action and help obtain the data, please contact the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and express your concerns.
The highest-ranking Homeland employee to be charged on child pornography-related crimes is former Deputy Press Secretary Brian Doyle. Doyle was sending child sex abuse images/videos to an undercover officer in Polk County, Florida. “Doyle couldn’t have been more brazen, giving out his title, calling from his DHS office, even sending a photo showing his Department of Homeland Security identity card along with his genitals.”80 Sheriff Grady Judd, one of America’s leading LEOs, said of Doyle’s actions, “It doesn’t come any more hard-core. He graphically explained to a 14-year old girl what he would like to do to her and what he would like her to do to him.” Doyle was charged with sixteen counts of transmission of harmful material to a minor and seven counts of using a computer to seduce a child and sentenced to five years in jail.81 He is now a registered sex offender.
In January 2017, the New York Times reported that Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) investigators, under Homeland Security, have “repeatedly warned top managers that unaddressed allegations of corruption among contractors could put the immigration system at risk” citing nearly 70 cases, including distribution of child pornography on government computers, that have not been investigated. It is unclear how many of these cases involved child pornography. Nearly half of CIS employees, about 10,000, are contract staff subject to almost no oversight. The New York Times said Homeland did not respond to questions about why misconduct investigations of CIS staff have been prevented.82 Homeland Security’s Inspector General’s report for 2013, reports a “CIS employee pled guilty to possession of child pornography, and was sentenced to 37 months incarceration and 120 months of supervised release.” No further details were provided.
Pro Publica reported, February 2016, on misconduct among federal Air Marshals, under Homeland’s supervision. The government responded, after seven years, to journalist Michael Grabell’s freedom of information request. From 2002 to 2012, almost 150 Air Marshals were arrested for criminal behavior, 250 Air Marshals were terminated for misconduct and 400 were allowed to resign or retire when under investigation.83 Details are located on Pro Publica’s database. Child pornography and child sex abuse are not listed in separate categories, but appear to be under the general heading of criminal conduct/criminal arrests. In addition, employee names were not provided. Thus, making it nearly impossible to determine how many Air Marshals have been caught engaging in child pornography-related crimes.
The Center for Investigative Reporting’s journalist, Andrew Becker, reported that prospective Homeland employees sometimes confess during polygraph interviews. These confessions were not always reported, investigated or prosecuted.84 For example, 22-year old Cody Slaughter told a Customs and Border Protection examiner that he had molested his best friend’s two-year-old sister and engaged in bestiality with his horse, a dog and a pig. Although the polygrapher reported these crimes, local prosecutors refused to prosecute Slaughter.85 Another example is Joseph Montross, a 28-year-old combat-tested Marine with a security clearance, who confessed he sexually abused children to produce child pornography. Investigators found more than 9,000 images/videos of child sex abuse. Montross was arrested and sentenced to jail.
As with my other research, I used simple Google and Twitter searches to locate media reports of Homeland employees arrested on child pornography related charges. A more comprehensive list is on my Medium profile. Examples of federal law enforcement, under Homeland’s supervision, arrested for child pornography related offenses include:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Nicholas Bolden, a 40-year-old Homeland Security Customs and Border Patrol Agent, was arrested, April 2013, on child pornography charges. He pled guilty April 30, 2013, and was sentenced July 31, 2013, to six and half years in federal prison followed by 24 years of supervised release. Bolden was accessing Russian child rape and torture websites from his government computer. A CD containing child pornography was also found in his office desk.

Gilbert Lam worked for US Customs at San Francisco airport
Gilbert Lam, a 38-year-old Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection Agent who worked at San Francisco airport, was arrested and charged March 2013, on child pornography charges. He was found guilty in December 18, 2014 and sentenced to just over a year in jail. Investigators said Lam’s electronic resources were “elaborate” and included “a whole closet … independent server, several computers, several hard drives…” Lam was trading in a known series call the Vicky Series. He appealed the court order that he pay $3,000 in restitution to the child victim and lost his appeal.
Lawson Hardrick, a 64-year-old retired Assistant Director of the Calexico, California Ports of Entry with Customs and Border Protection, was arrested on child pornography charges. He was found guilty, January 24, 2013, and sentenced April 2013, to ten years in jail. Hardrick was trading in pre-teen hard core (PTHC) the brutal torture and rape of very young children, including infants and toddlers. Hardrick appealed his sentence and lost his appeal. He must register as a sex offender.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Anthony Mangione, 50-year-old Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for South Florida, was arrested on “extreme child abuse” charges in September 2011. He was sentenced in November 2012 to nearly six years in prison. Mangione is a 1982 graduate of the University of Maine Orono (UMO) where former Senior Child Protection Services (CPS) Cynthia Wellman claimed CPS was operating a child sex ring on campus. Originally from Rhode Island, Mangione arrived in Orono in August 1978.86
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Thomas Gordon, a 46-year-old TSA agent in Philadelphia, was sentenced for possession and distribution of child pornography. He had over 600 images and videos of child sex abuse, including children as young as six years old, which were described as “horrific.” He had as many as six fake Facebook accounts he was using to distribute child sex abuse.87
Thomas Harkin, a 65-year-old former Catholic priest who had been removed from the church for the sex abuse of an eleven-year-old girl, among possible other victims, was then employed by TSA at Philadelphia airport.88
Miguel Angel Quinones, a 38-year-old who worked at Manchester airport in New Hampshire, was indicted on 20 counts of child pornography possession. He had more than 1,000 child sex abuse images and videos. He kept his child pornography in his airport work locker.89
Coast Guard (USCG)
Christopher Craft, a 41-year-old Warrant Officer with the Coast Guard, was arrested on child pornography charges, pled guilty and was sentenced July 8, 2016, to five years in jail followed by ten years of supervised release. Craft was trading in pre-teen hard core (PTHC). Descriptions of some of the images/videos he was trading in appear in his court documents and are noted here. Upon his arrest, he had more than 480 images and 111 videos of children being sexually exploited, including images and videos depicting sadistic or masochistic conduct. Craft must register as a sex offender.
Secret Service (SS)
Lee Robert Moore, a 37-year-old Secret Service Agent, stationed at The White House, was arrested November 9, 2015, for soliciting sex with a child while he was on duty. He had sent pictures of his penis to an undercover police officer in Delaware. Moore was indicted in June 2016 in Florida on charges of child pornography receipt and attempting to entice a minor. He pled guilty in March 2017 to both the Delaware and Florida charges. Moore was caught attempting to sexually abuse a 14-year-old girl, who was, in reality, an undercover investigator in Delaware. The undercover investigator communicated with Moore for about two months, during that time Moore’s second child was born. Moore was arrested when he made arrangements to meet the 14-year-old “girl.” Moore also had contact with about ten real children. In text messages he said he was “a cop,’’ a “federal officer” and said “Like the Rolling Stones sang, ‘every cop is a criminal.’” Moore has been in custody since his arrest.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Brian J. Murphy, a 48-year-old Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) employee, was arrested June 2001 on child pornography charges. He was sentenced, October 2002, to just over two years in jail. He was trading in child rape from his government computer. He must register as a sex offender.
Oversight is Needed
Homeland Security admitted to Christian Science Monitor journalist Aliya Sternstein that their firewalls lack the capacity to recognize, block and report child pornography. DHS also confirmed that they “do not investigate the behavior of individual employees.”90 In contrast, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Commerce Department have security systems that alert officials when child sex abuse is shared on their networks. If the FTC and the Department of Commerce do this, why isn’t this mandatory for Homeland Security as well as all federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies?91 Given the numbers of arrests of state and local law enforcement combined with Director of the Pentagon’s Defense Security Service statement that the “amount of child porn” on government computers is just “unbelievable,” it is reasonable to assume if that law enforcement were required to pro-actively monitor their networks the number of LEOs arrested for this crime would dramatically increase.
Federal law enforcement officers are powerful. The scope of their ability to arrest and investigate is substantial. Their ability to protect themselves and hide their own crimes, and those of others, is considerable. As with local and state law enforcement, a system of consistent oversight and electronic monitoring must be developed. Every federal law enforcement officer should be required, as part of their hiring package, to sign a code of conduct that includes permission for random searches of their work and personal electronics and IP networks. On a rotating basis one federal law enforcement agency, perhaps the U.S. Postal System, should oversee random monitoring of all other agencies. Arrest and prosecution data must be gathered and made public.
No federal law enforcement officer should ever be engaged in the trade in child rape and certainly not on government computers. Pedophiles should not be able to gain access to and enter federal law enforcement agencies. American children should not be raped and their rape images traded by men and women who have sworn an oath of office to protect and serve America. Our children’s safety and our national security depends upon effective oversight of federal law enforcement agencies’ electronic networks. We can and must do better.
Not one pedophile should ever be employed in federal law enforcement. Ever.
Other Government Employees
From Loskarn to Rosen

Ryan Luskarn was chief of staff for Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander.
When Senator Lamar Alexander’s Chief of Staff, Ryan Loskarn, was arrested in 2014 for trading in child pornography, no journalists provided context to the story. The media reported Loskarn’s arrest, and subsequent suicide pending trial, as if it were a one-off event. As if no other high-level government employees were being arrested on child pornography charges. In 2015, when the State Department’s Director of Counter-terrorism, Daniel Rosen, was arrested on charges of computer solicitation of sex/sodomy for a child under 14, two journalists attempted to provide context. Paul Farrell, with Heavy, and Shane Harris, with The Daily Beast, respectively wrote, “the Second Child Sex Scandal to Hit D.C. in 12 Months” and “3rd U.S. Official Hit With Child Sex and Porn Charges.” Both were far off the mark. A simple Twitter search reveals far more than two or three government staff arrested for trading in child rape.92

Former State Dept. official Daniel Rosen.
In addition to government employees in our national security agencies, military and local, state and federal law enforcement, there are an estimated two million federal civilian government employees and five million people employed in state governments. Some fourteen million people are employed by local governments.93 Most state and local employees are employed in education, with 48% at the state level and 55.4% at the local.94 All totaled, there are an estimated 21 million people employed in federal, state and local government. How many have been arrested on child pornography related charges? No one knows. A national child pornography-arrest database would provide the answer.
In other chapters, this book discusses government employees who are prosecutors and educators. In this section, I review a small sample of civilian government employees arrested on child pornography related charges. The Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Children’s Museum, the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the State Department along with many others, have all had employees arrested on child pornography charges, often involving work computers.95 Yet, to date, very little action has been taken to prevent government employees from trafficking in children – which is what child pornography is – on government computers.
In 2014, Congressman Mark Meadows from North Carolina put forward the Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act HR 901. Meadows re-introduced this again in January of 2017 as HR 680 – Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act.96 This bill, if passed into law, would stop federal employees from accessing, watching or sharing pornography on government-issued computers and devices. There has been an ongoing battle waged by technology and telecom firms, along with privacy experts, who do not want this legislation passed. Neither HR 901 nor the improved HR 680 have made it to a full House debate or vote. Instead, weak and vague wording requiring some, but not all, federal agencies to prevent pornography on the computer networks has been buried deep in continuing resolutions.
For example, the most recently HR 244 Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 has, among others, the following sections:
- (Sec. 106) Specifies that grant recipients may continue to deter child pornography, copyright infringement, or any other unlawful activity over their networks.
- (Sec. 504) Prohibits the use of funds made available in this division for a computer network that does not block pornography, except for law enforcement purposes.
- (Sec. 532) Prohibits funds provided by this division from being used for a computer network that does not block pornography, except for law enforcement purposes.
- (Sec. 742) Prohibits funds provided by this division from being used for a computer network unless pornography is blocked, with the exception of law enforcement, prosecution, or adjudication activities.
- (Sec. 8129) Prohibits funds provided by this division from being used for any computer network that does not block access to pornography websites, with exceptions for criminal investigations, prosecution, or adjudication activities; or for any activity necessary for the national defense, including intelligence activities.98
All of the above sections in HR 244 are essentially meaningless. Congress must pass comprehensive legislation, complete with robust oversight, reporting and monitoring mechanisms, rather than worthless policy riders. If you think HR 680, or an improved version, should be put before the full House for a vote, contact your own U.S. Representative and ask them to sign and support HR 680. Contact Congressman Trey Gowdy, Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and share your thoughts about HR680.99 Shouldn’t even member of Congress sign this proposed legislation?

Maine Gov. Paul LePage
At the state level, Maine’s Governor, Paul LePage issued one of the first of its kind Executive Orders in 2015, prohibiting Maine state employees from accessing pornographic or sexually explicit material on state computers or devices even when they are off duty on personal time.100 Every state governor should pass similar executive orders for his or her state employees. Mayors should do the same at city levels, inclusive of robust monitoring and oversight. Also, as previously mentioned, some state legislatures are considering the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act which would require blocking adult and child pornography.101
The list of civilian government employees arrested on child pornography charges is long. Very long. As with my other research, I’ve used simple Google and Twitter searches. A longer list of government employees arrested for trading in child rape is on my Medium profile. This is only a small sample of arrests. The amount of civilian government employees, at all levels, that appear to be engaged in this crime is distressing.
A few examples include:
Timothy DeFoggi, 56-year-old Acting Director of Cyber Security for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), was sentenced, January 2015, to 25 years in federal prison for participating in a child pornography ring that “shocked veteran investigators.” DeFoggi was a registered user of an online child rape and torture trading site and expressed an interest in the violent rape and murder of children. He discussed meeting, at least, one other member to make plans to locate children to rape and then murder them.102
Stephen Mantha, a 62-year-old electronic technician with the U.S. Postal Service, was arrested and charged September 22, 2016, with possession of child pornography and accessing with intent to view child pornography. Mantha was using his government computer to trade in brutal abuse and rape of young children, including children as young as three, the anal rape of children as young as five. He also accessed Russian child pornography trading sites. On October 18, 2016, he was arrested again when investigators located a video of Mantha sexually assaulting a young boy. The USPS continued to employ Mantha until October 2016, when he was allowed to retire. Mantha was under house arrest but, after his second arrest, he was taken into custody pending sentencing. As of July 2017, sentencing had not yet been set.103
Michael Beeman, a 62-year-old regional public relations officer with the Army Corps of Engineers in Winchester, Virginia, was arrested January 20, 2014, and pled guilty in October 2015, to four counts of child pornography possession and one count of child pornography transportation. On April 14, 2016, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Investigators seized over 250 electronic devices with thousands of images of child pornography from Beeman’s residence. Beeman had been producing child pornography by filming the rape of boys as young as eight since the 1980s, including the rape of a boy at Patrick Air Force Base where Beeman previously worked. He gained access to his victims by offering his services as a baby-sitter on the military base and developing a “father-like relationship” with the boys he targeted. He had been a government employee for over 40 years.104
Gons Nachman, a 42-year-old former U.S. diplomat, who “admitted taping his sexual encounters with teenage girls while stationed in Brazil and the Congo” was sentenced, August 2008, to 20 years in prison. Nachman also pled guilty to child pornography possession. One of his videos was titled “Congo 2004 Sexual Adventures.” His law degree is from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was president of the Naturist Student Association and “led demonstrations involving public nudity in 1995.”105
James Spargo, a 66-year-old employee with the Department of Agriculture in Florida, pled no contest to 20 felony child pornography counts and was sentenced, February 2015, to 10 years in prison. Spargo was arrested when investigators found child sex abuse images/videos on his government computer. Most of the children in the images/videos were infants and toddlers. “The activity we uncovered here was just horrible,” said Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services spokesperson Erin Gillespie. “It was horrifying, it was disgusting, and we gathered all the evidence we could to make sure that this arrest was going to happen.106
William Shaffer, a Child Protection Services (CPS) staffer was arrested, July 2013, after he purchased nearly $7,000 of child rape and torture videos/images. According to Shaffer’s criminal complaint “a 1987 police report alleged Shaffer sexually molested a boy between the ages of 8 and 9. The police report alleged the incident happened while Shafer was a Child Protective Services employee.” Investigators also seized “sexual stories” from Shaffer’s home. “One of them describes a seventh-grade boy being abducted, molested and sodomized.”107
Robert Singer, 49-year-old father of two and Chief Operating Officer for Washington D.C.’s National Children’s Museum, was arrested November 6, 2007, and charged on five child pornography distribution counts. He pled guilty and was sentenced July 16, 2009, to five years in prison. Singer was caught sending child sex abuse images of children as young as five, including from his work computer, to an undercover New York Police Detective who was posing as a 12-year-old girl and her 33-year-old mother. Singer was pretending to be a 15-year-old boy. He was using the online handle badboy2.108
Stanley Dorozynski, a 53-year-old Child Protective Services (CPS) employee, was arrested December 21, 2010, and charged with two counts, one each, of possessing and receiving child pornography. Upon his arrest, Dorozynski possessed more than 2,400 child sex abuse images/videos including the abuse of children as young as four. Investigators also recovered 11 zip discs of child porn in a locked trunk, among other CDs. Dorozynski had been trading in child rape and torture since 1990. Dorozynski pled guilty July 27, 2012, and was sentenced to six years in federal prison. His girlfriend found the child sex abuse images/videos and notified law enforcement. He had been a police officer in Utica, New York, before he went to work for Health and Human Services.109
Jasper Neil Blair, a 27-year-old civil engineer with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, was arrested for child pornography possession and pled guilty May 31, 2012, “to knowingly possessing an image of a six-year-old girl being sexually abused,” and was sentenced October 4, 2012, to two-and-half years in federal prison. Blair was using his government computer to trade in child rape.110
Child Pornography is a National Security Threat

Child pornography is a cancer upon America.
The Director of the Pentagon’s Defense Security Service, Daniel Payne, verified the “amount of child porn” on government computers is just “unbelievable.” My research establishes that the U.S. government, at all levels, has a considerable child pornography problem; one that is a serious threat to our personal and national security. Pedophiles have infiltrated government service and cultivated positions of power to protect their crimes and access children. Children are not being protected. Pedophiles are. Too many pedophiles are government employees. This kind of criminal behavior makes employees prime targets for organized criminal networks and foreign espionage operations. A U.S. government employee, trading in child rape, particularly with Russian sources, makes him/herself vulnerable to blackmail maneuvers to leak secure information and other acts designed to undermine the U.S. government.111 This vulnerability to blackmail as well as the opening of government computer networks compromises many aspects of the national security apparatus and all of our personal day-to-day security.
In a democratic system, as America is meant to be, oversight and accountability is built into our structure of governance. There is supposed to be legislative, executive and judicial separation of powers and rule of law. The trade in child rape appears to have broken down institutionalized checks and balances. Pedophiles can, and do, easily provide cover to each other from various powerful positions they hold inside and outside of government. Pedophiles are extensive networkers. Networking is one of their defining behaviors. This is not a crime done alone, with no one watching. Pedophiles want the world to watch them rape children. They obsessively video themselves violently abusing children and broadcast these crimes on the Internet. They brag about the crimes they commit. A police chief trading in child rape is very likely to know local judges, state legislators, teachers and prosecutors also engaged in the crime. Pedophiles not only network online, they also meet in person to share children for rape. They know each other and they protect each other.
The fact that this is occurring in what appears to be epidemic-scale numbers should outrage and frighten us. Funded research is needed to adequately document the scope of this crime by U.S. government employees so that effective public policy can be created to address this serious national security issue. As journalist Aliya Sternstein, of The Christian Science Monitor, said, “pornographic images of children on government computers present a profound national security risk that if left unresolved could endanger American lives at home and abroad.”112
This is America’s wake-up call. The child rape industry is no longer a Russian, Asian, or Eastern European problem. The illegal trade in child rape is an American problem. Far too many local, state and federal government employees in sensitive positions of trust within our communities and national security structures are involved. Too often these criminals are exposing our most sensitive government computer networks to organized crime as they trade in child rape while at work.
This is an acute security problem. The media isn’t reporting on it. Public policy institutes are not focusing on it. Academic researchers are ignoring it.
One has to wonder why.
1. United Nations, “United Nations, “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children,” 11. See also Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children
2. DSS Public Affairs [], e-mail message to author, May 4, 2016.
3. Aliya Sternstein, “Child porn on government devices: A hidden security threat,” Christian Science Monitor, December 5, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017,
4. Bryan Bender, “Pentagon lagged on pursuing porn cases,” Boston Globe, January 5, 2011, accessed July 16, 2017,; Robert Beckhusen, “Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year,” Wired Magazine, August 22, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,; United States Senate Senator Charles Grassley, “Justice Department Silent on Pornography Found on Assistant U.S. Attorney’s Computer,” October 14, 2011, accessed July 15, 2017,; “South Florida ICE official arrested on child porn charges,” Cable News Network (CNN), September 29, 2011, accessed July 16, 2017,; Office of the Inspector General Department of Transportation, “Air Traffic Control Specialist Sentenced to 78 Months Imprisonment for Charges of Child Pornography,” (Washington D.C.: United States Government) November 14, 2008, accessed July 16, 2017,; Joce Sterman, “Former TSA agent from Baltimore County indicted on federal porn charges,” ABC News 2, March 18, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,; “Donald Sachtleben, former FBI agent, arrested on child pornography charges,” CBS News, May 15, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,; Jim McElhatton, “CIA able to keep its secrets on budgets, bad apples IG documents reveal porn, fraud, other misconduct,” The Washington Times, November 13, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,; The Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, maintains a running tally of police misconduct.
5. Sternstein, “Child porn on government devices,” 2016.
6. “West Point Army Officer,” 2011.
7. Desiree Stennett, “Patrick Air Force Base: Chief scientist held on $250K bond after child-porn arrest,” Orlando Sentinel, May 10, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
8. “Navy revokes imprisoned Vietnam veteran’s Silver Star,” Stars & Stripes, July 27, 2011, accessed July 18, 2017,
9. Samantha Greenaway, “4 Disturbing Ways Child Molesters Use Tech To Commit Crimes,” Business Insider, March 15, 2014, accessed July 16, 2017,
10. Bender, “Pentagon lagged,” 2011. Bender has since left the Boston Globe and is now with Politico
11. United States Senate Senator Charles Grassley, “Q&A: Holding the Pentagon Accountable,” (Washington D.C.: United States Government) November 24, 2010, accessed July 16, 2017,
12. Tony Capaccio, “Missile Defense Staff Warned to Stop Surfing Porn Sites,” Bloomberg News, August 2, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,
13. Capaccio, “Missile Defense Staff Warned,” 2012.
14. Daintry Duffy, “Inside the DoD’s Computer Forensics Lab: Searching for the Truth,” CSO On-Line, May 1, 2004, accessed July 16, 2017,–searching-for-the-truth.html
15. Merritt Baer, “Two-Thirds Of Military Supreme Court Cases Are About Child Pornography,” Talking Points Memo, December 3, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
16. David Cloud, “Child abuse in the military: Failing those most in need,” Los Angeles Times, December 29, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
17. Phillip O’Connor, “Oklahoma airman found guilty of possessing child pornography,” News OK, November 26, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,
18. Terri Moon Cronk, “Sexual Assaults in Military Drop, Reporting Goes Up, Annual Report Reveals,” U.S. Department of Defense, May 1, 2017, accessed July 16, 2017,
19. Richard Lardner and Eileen Sullivan, “Opaque military justice system shields child sex abuse cases,” Associated Press (AP), November 24, 2015, accessed July 16, 2017,
20. “March courts-martial results announced,” Navy Times, April 15, 2015, accessed July 16, 2017, and U.S. Navy, “Results of Trial – Special and General Court-Martial convened within the United States Navy,” accessed July 16, 2017,
21. “Army releases verdicts of March courts-martial,” Army Times, May 12, 2017, accessed July 16, 2017,
22. Jared Keller, “A Disturbing Portion Of Marine Corps’ Courts-Martial In 2017 Are For Child Sexual Abuse,” Task & Purpose, June 13, 2017, accessed July 16, 2017,
23. “The Army’s hidden child abuse epidemic,” Military Times, July 29, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
24. “The Army’s hidden,” 2013.
25. Editorial Staff, “Editorial: Save the children,” Military Times, accessed July 16, 2017,
26. Jen Fifield, “One Major Reason Why Child Abuse In Military Families Goes Unreported,” Task & Purpose, June 12, 2017, accessed July 16, 2017, and “President Obama signs ‘Talia’s law,’ aimed at protecting children on military bases,” Hawaii News Now, December 27, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
27. Richard Lardner, Eileen Sullivan and Meghan Hoyer, “Pentagon: Hundreds of military kids sexually abused annually,” Associated Press (AP), January 4, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
28. Richard Lardner, Eileen Sullivan and Meghan Hoyer, “Military Children Sexual Assault Numbers Released,” U.S. News & World Report, January 4, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
29. Lardner, Sullivan and Hoyer, “Pentagon: Hundreds of military kids,” 2016.
30. Lardner, Sullivan and Hoyer, “Pentagon: Hundreds of military kids,” 2016.
31. Fifield, “One Major Reason,” 2017.
32. Marisa Taylor, “National Reconnaissance Office hasn’t told police of crime confessions,” McClatchy Newspapers, July 10, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,
33. Taylor, “National Reconnaissance Office,” 2012.
34. Justin Wm. Moyer, “Army lieutenant colonel gets 20 years in child pornography case,” Washington Post, November 8, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
35. “Army colonel sentenced to 12 years in child pornography case,” CBS News, Crimesider Staff, December 28, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
36. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), “Child predator sentenced to life imprisonment in Louisiana,” (Louisiana, United States Government) July 18, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,
37. “Air Force sergeant sentenced to 10 years for child porn,” Lincoln Journal Star, May 4, 2006, accessed July 16, 2017,
38. William R. Levesque, “MacDill officer sought out ‘pervs,’ records in child porn case show,” Tampa Bay Times, February 4, 2014, accessed July 16, 2017,
39. “Silver Star revoked for former Clinton defense official now in prison,” Los Angeles Times, July 28, 2011, accessed July 16, 2017,
40. Lardner, Sullivan and Hoyer, “Military Children Sexual Assault,” 2016.
41. E.H. “Why does liberal Iceland want to ban online pornography?” The Economist, April 24, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
42. “Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces,” British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), July 22, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
43. Andy Wagner, “Lawmakers Want Digital Devices to Block “Obscene” Websites Including Some Social Media Platforms,” Multi-State, April 4, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017, and Dave Maass, “States Introduce Dubious Anti-Pornography Legislation to Ransom the Internet,” Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF), April 12, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017,
44. National Conference of State Legislatures, “Children and the Internet Laws Relating to Filtering, Blocking and Usage Policies in Schools and Libraries,” November 16, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
45. Lardner and Sullivan, “Opaque military justice system,” 2015.
46. Lardner, Sullivan and Hoyer, “Military Children Sexual Assault,” 2016.
47. See also “Lori Handrahan’s Medium profile,” accessed July 17, 2017, and “Lori Handrahan’s website,” accessed July 17, 2017,
48. Cato Institute, “National Police Misconduct Reporting Project (NPMRP) website,” accessed July 17, 2017,
49. See also Cato Institute, “National Police Misconduct,” 2017.
50. Shelley Hyland, Lynn Langton, and Elizabeth Davis, “Police Use of Nonfatal Force, 2002–11 NCJ 249216,” (Washington D.C.: United States Government) November 2015, accessed July 16, 2017,
51. Matthew J. Hickman, “Citizen Complaints about Police Use of Force,” NCJ 210296 (Washington D.C.: United States Government) June 2006, accessed July 16, 2017, and see also Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics webpage
52. “A look inside AP’s investigation on officer sex misconduct,” Associated Press (AP), November 1, 2015, accessed July 14, 2017, and “Hundreds of officers lose licenses over sex misconduct,” Associated Press (AP), November 1, 2015, accessed July 14, 2017,
54. “Lori Handrahan’s Medium profile,” accessed July 17, 2017, Cite: Police Trading in Child Rape & Torture and When Law Enforcement is the Perpetrator, and Law Enforcement Arrested for Trading in Child Rape
55. Tom Cleary, “Michael Harding: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,”, May 24, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
56. Tracy Jordon, “Child pornography charges filed against former police chief,” The Morning Call, December 12, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017, and Bob Keeler, “Bedminster resident Robert Geist sentenced for possessing child pornography,” Montgomery News, September 29, 2014, accessed July 16, 2017,
57. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), “Former Bakersfield Police Detective Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Pornography,” (Eastern District of California: United States Government) February 19, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
58. Brogan, “Former Maine State Police chief,” 2014.
59. Joseph Berger, “Ex-Police Chief in Westchester County Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charge,” New York Times, July 27, 2015, accessed July 17, 2017,
60. Robert Gearty and Bill Hutchinson, “‘Cannibal Cop’ partner Michael Van Hise wanted to keep children as sex slaves: prosecutors,” New York Daily News, January 7, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,; Liz Goff, “Cannibal Cop Seeking New Trial,” Queens Gazette, June 26, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017, and “NYPD officer accused of plot to kill and eat women has conviction overturned,” The Guardian, July 1, 2014, accessed July 16, 2017,
61. “Accused NYPD ‘cannibal cop’ Gilberto Valle: Facebook postings, instant messages paint picture of twisted mind,” New York Daily News, October 25, 2012, accessed July 17, 2017, and “Accused NYPD ‘cannibal cop’ Gilberto Valle: Facebook postings, instant messages paint picture of twisted mind,” New York Daily News, October 25, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,
62. Rebecca Davis O’Brien, “Former Police Officer Accused of Cannibal Plot Goes Free,” Wall Street Journal, November 12, 2014, accessed July 16, 2017,
63. Brian Reaves, “Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2008,” Bureau of Justice Statistics, June 26, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017,
64. Sternstein, “Child porn on government devices,” 2016.
65. Julian Sher, “Child porn bust: The U.S. postal investigator who helped Toronto police,” The Star, November 14, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
66. Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Department of Justice, The Handling of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct by the Department’s Law Enforcement Components, (Washington D.C.: United States Government, 2015) accessed July 16, 2017,
67. See also: Elyssa Pachico, “Putting Salacious DEA Sex Party Report in Perspective,” Insight Crime, March 27, 2015, accessed July 16, 2017,
68. OIG, The Handling of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct, i-ii.
69. OIG, The Handling of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct, 51.
70. Other federal law enforcement include: (1) Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security and Diplomatic Security Service (DSS); (2) Department of Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations Division (IRS-CID) and Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA); (3) Mint Police (USMP); (4) Department of Defense’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) and Pentagon Force Protection Agency; (5) Army Criminal Investigation Division (Army CID) and Military Police Corps; (6) Air Force Office of Special Investigations (Airforce OSI), Air Force Security Forces and Department of the Air Force Police; (7) Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), Office of Naval Intelligence Police (ONI Police), Marine Corps Provost Marshal’s Office and Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division (USMC CID); (8) National Security Agency’s National Security Agency Police (NSA Police); (9) Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs Police, Bureau of Land Management Office of Law Enforcement & Security, National Park Service, National Park Rangers, United States Park Police and Fish & Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement; (10) Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations; (11) Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Office for Law Enforcement; (12) Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Office of Criminal Investigations; (13) Department of Veterans Affairs Police; (14) United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS); (15) Congress’ Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, United States Capitol Police, and Government Printing Office Police; (16) Central Intelligence Agency’s Security Protective Service (SPS); (17) Federal Reserve Police; (18) Library of Congress Police; (19) United States Probation Service (USPO); (20) United States Supreme Court Police (21) and the Amtrack Police among others.
71. Carol Leonnig, “Homeland Security inspector general who was under probe steps down,” Washington Post, December 16, 2013, accessed July 15, 2017,
72. Levi Pulkkinen, “Judge: FBI-tied child porn collector ‘not a danger’ to school,” SeattlePI, April 8, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017, and Kevin Krause, “The FBI ran a huge child porn site to catch predators. The accused are crying foul,” Miami Herald, January 22, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017,
73. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), “Carmel Man Petitions to Plead Guilty to Charges of Possession, Distribution of Child Pornography,” (Southern District of Indiana: United States Government) May 14, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,; Bill Mears, “Former top FBI agent charged with child porn distribution,” Cable News Network (CNN), May 15, 2012, accessed July 17, 2017, and Evan West, “Explosive Charges: The Donald Sachtleben Case,” Indianapolis Monthly, July 11, 2014, accessed July 16, 2017,
74. Department of Justice, “FBI Employee Sentenced 46 Months for Possessing Child Pornography,” (Eastern District of Virginia: United States Government), August 27, 2010, accessed July 16, 2017,
75. Scott McCabe, “FBI analyst busted in online child porn sting,” Washington Examiner, December 4, 2012, accessed July 16, 2017, and Ann E. Marimow, “Former FBI analyst sentenced to more than three years in prison in child pornography case,” Washington Post, September 9, 2013, accessed July 16, 2017,
76. Jonathan Dienst, “DEA Agent Brought Child Porn to Work: Feds,” NBC 4 New York, March 4, 2011, accessed July 16, 2017, and “Darren Argento Registered Sex Offender,” accessed July 16, 2017,
77. Department of Justice, “Former DEA Agent Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charges,” (Southern District of Texas: United States Government) June 2, 2016, accessed July 16, 2017,
78. Julia Davis, National Security Expert, comment in response to question from author about Homeland Security employees arrested for misconduct, “Just the way #DHS protects itself from infamy. Often news of convictions appear, then disappear. Very tricky,” March 6, 2014, accessed July 15, 2017,
79. In 2012, overwhelmed with cases, Homeland’s then Inspector General, Charles Edwards, transferred 360 corruption and misconduct cases at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to internal affairs of the two agencies. At the time Homeland’s OIG had a back log of some 750 cases in ICE and CBP alone. See also Andrew Becker, “Homeland security office to unload hundreds of corruption probes,” Reveal News, May 7, 2010, accessed July 15, 2017,; Andrew Becker, “Homeland Security Office to Unload Hundreds of Corruption Probes,” Huffington Post, July 7, 2012, accessed July 15, 2017, and Office of the Inspector General Department of Homeland Security, “Statement of Charles K. Edwards Acting Inspector General U.S. Department of Homeland Security Before the Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Management, U.S. House of Representatives,” (Washington D.C.: United States Government), May 17, 2012, accessed July 15, 2017,
80. Julia Davis, “Department of Homeland Security’s untouchables: shielded by the badge,” Julia Davis Blog, accessed July 15, 2017,
81. Julia Davis, “Department of Homeland Security’s untouchables: shielded by the badge,” The Examiner, September 2, 2012, accessed July 15, 2017,
82. Ron Nixon, “Claims of Corrupt Immigration Contractors Go Unexamined, Investigators Say,” The New York Times, January 23, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017,
83. “Federal-Air-Marshal-Misconduct-Database,” Pro Publica, accessed July 15, 2017,
84. Becker, “Homeland Security Office to Unload,” 2012.
85. Tia Ghose, “On Polygraph Tests, Would-Be Border Patrol Agents Confess to Crimes,” The Daily Beast, March 4, 2013, accessed July 15, 2017,
86. “Anthony Mangione,” CBS Miami, 2011-2012, accessed July 15, 2017, and Peter Franceschina, Linda Trischitta and Jon Burstein, “Leader of ICE in South Florida pleads not guilty to child porn charges,” South Florida Sun-Sentinel, September 28, 2011, accessed July 15, 2017,
87. John Shiffman, “Airport passenger screener charged in distributing child pornography,” The Inquirer, April 23, 2011, accessed July 15, 2017,
88. Ben Simmoneau, “I-Team: Priest Removed From Ministry Due To Sex Abuse Allegations Now Works At PHL,” CBS Philly, May 24, 2012, accessed July 15, 2017,
89. Marc Fortier, “Ex-TSA Employee Indicted on Child Porn Charges,”, September 17, 2013, accessed July 15, 2017,
90. Sternstein, “Child porn on government devices,” 2016.
91. Sternstein, “Child porn on government devices,” 2016.
92. Paul Farrell, “Daniel Rosen: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,”, April 17, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017, and Shane Harris, “3rd U.S. Official Hit With Child Sex and Porn Charges,” The Daily Beast, February 25, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017,
93. Julie Jennings, “Federal Workforce Statistics Sources: OPM and OMB,” Congressional Research Service, December 7, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017, and Stephen Dinan, “Federal workers hit record number, but growth slows under Obama,” Washington Times, February 9, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017,
94. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Data Retrieval,” 2017, and Terence Jeffrey, “21,995,000 to 12,329,000: Government Employees Outnumber Manufacturing Employees 1.8 to 1,” CNS News, September 8, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017,
95. Among others: “12 arrested in largest child pornography case in Puerto Rico,” Fox News, April 9, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017, and Bill Bird, “EPA employee from Naperville charged in child porn case,” Chicago Tribune, June 9, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017,
96. U.S. Congress, “H.R.680 – Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act115th Congress (2017-2018),”, accessed July 15, 2017,
97. Zach Carter, “A Pointless Anti-Porn Rider Is Congress’ Latest Obsession,” Huffington Post, September 9, 2014, accessed July 15, 2017,
98. U.S. Congress, “H.R.244 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017,”, accessed July 15, 2017,
99. Kevin Bogardus, “Committee passes anti-porn bill,” E&E News, March 9, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017, and U.S. Congress, “Eliminating Pornography from Agencies,” 2017.
100. “LePage issues order prohibiting state workers from viewing porn,” Portland Press Herald, February 20, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017, and State of Maine, “An Order Clarifying State Management’s Response to Certain Prohibited Misconduct,” No. 2015-002, February 5, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017,
101. Wagner, “Lawmakers Want Digital Devices,” 2017 and Maass, “States Introduce Dubious Anti-Pornography,” 2017.
102. Department of Justice, “Former Acting HHS Cyber Security Director Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Engaging in Child Pornography Enterprise,” (Washington D.C.: United States Government), January 5, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017,
103. Department of Justice, “U.S. Postal Employee Charged with Viewing Child Pornography on Work Computers,” (District of Massachusetts: United States Government), September 22, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017,
104. Department of Justice, “Former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Employee Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Transportation and Possession of Child Pornography,” (Washington D.C.: United States Government) April 14, 2016, accessed July 15, 2017,
105. Matthew Barakat, “Ex-U.S. diplomat gets 20 years for child porn,” USA Today, August 22, 2008, accessed July 15, 2017,
106. Julie Montanaro, “Former Department of Agriculture Worker Sentenced for Child Porn,” WCTV.TV, February 10, 2015, accessed July 15, 2017,
107. “Feds say former Child Protective Services employee purchased nearly $7K in child porn,” ABC News 7 WXYZ Staff, July 2, 2013, accessed July 15, 2017,
108. Mary Beth Sheridan and Jerry Markon, “Official at Children’s Museum Is Charged in Child Pornography Case,” Washington Post, November 7, 2007, accessed July 15, 2017,
109. Jeremy Ryan, “Former cop, child caseworker accused of possessing child porn,” CNY, December 21, 2010, accessed July 15, 2017,
110. “Former Ore. man gets 30 mos. for child porn on gov’t computer, NBC News Portland KGW Staff, October 4, 2012, accessed July 15, 2017,
111. So many U.S. government employees, often at senior levels, caught trading in Russian sourced child pornography on U.S. government computers ought to raise alarms, particularly given the common knowledge that the line between Russian government agencies and Russian organized crime to non-existent. It is beyond the scope of this book to explore Russia’s new cyber-warfare but it appears child pornography may be a tool underdevelopment in Russia’s arsenal. For more details on Russia’s cyber-ware fare see also: Andy Greenberg, “How An Entire Nation Became Russia’s Test Lab for Cyberwar,” Wired, June 20, 2017, accessed July 15, 2017,
112. Sternstein, “Child porn on government devices,” 2016.
Very disturbing but on point.
American courts need ‘lie detectors’ … American courts must be fitted with polygraphs in order to ensure that the truth is always established in the courtroom.
GOP Floating Idea to Push Out Moore so Governor Could Appoint Epstein …
Soon: Roy Moore, polygraph test.
Trump is a Child Rapist
If a Governor can be charged, indicted, & taken away in custody, so too can a President.