Kris Millegan

Kris is Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of TrineDaily and Publisher of TrineDay Books
Kris Millegan is TrineDaily’s Publisher/Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of TrineDay Books (“Books that challenge official history … because it matters”). He is a writer and researcher whose father was in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Military Intelligence (G2), and later the CIA, rising to Branch Chief, Head of Intelligence Analysis for East Asia. His father told Kris things he didn’t understand in the late 1960s. These revelations led to more than thirty years research into the subjects of CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, secret societies and conspiracy analysis.
TrineDay Books brought Antony Sutton’s underground classic, America’s Secret Establishment An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, to a wider audience. (It remains one of TrineDay’s top sellers). Kris produced CIA-Drugs Symposiums that brought together the top researchers, whistleblowers, authors and academicians in the field, with many new revelations and connections coming from the conclaves. Most recently, he has hosted and produced a series of annual JFK assassination and Lee Harvey Oswald-themed events in New Orleans.
S.K. Bain

S.K. Bain is the author of “The Most Dangerous Book in The World”
From 1995-2001, contributor S.K. Bain was art director of the Weekly Standard magazine (then published by Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp America), where he worked with William Kristol, Fred Barnes, David Brooks, Tucker Carlson and others at one of the most influential political publications in the country. During part of that time, the infamous Project for the New American Century was co-located with the publication, and next door was the Philanthropy Roundtable, where Bain art directed for Philanthropy magazine. The Roundtable at that point was under the leadership of John P. Walters, later President George W. Bush’s Drug Czar. Prior, Bain was art director for the Oxford American magazine during the mid-nineties when it was published by John Grisham and located in Oxford, MS. Later, Bain helped author portions of U.S. Public Law 111-11. Bain is the author of The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual, The End…is Only The Beginning: 2022 and The Coming of God, Black Jack: The Dawning of The New Great Age of Satan, and, pseudonymously, of Most Dangerous: A True Story. Email S.K. Bain: Blog:
Bruce de Torres

Bruce is the author of “God, School, 9/11 and JFK”
Bruce de Torres is the author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free, marketing director for TrineDay Publishing, and host of Reality with Bruce de Torres, about current events, history, and the nature of reality. He interviewed 170 guests on his TNT Radio show. He moderates TrineDay’s Zoom Roundtables about JFK’s vision of peace. He had lead roles in comedies, dramas, and musicals coast to coast (“the funniest and most vocally gifted member” of the show, said The New York Times) and hosted hundreds of business networking meetings as he developed his marketing, sales, and public speaking skills. 9/11 woke him up to the players behind the scenes. He has been a passionate advocate for the truth ever since. America’s ideals continue to inspire him. He is available for interviews. Email him at Check out his
Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer is author of “Esoteric Hollywood”
Jay Dyer was determined to show people how to watch film and entertainment in a different way, so he began the website, which has since grown to become one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net. Jay’s graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the blockbuster book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. Known for his in-depth commentary, satire and celebrity impressions, Jay is the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast and Esoteric Hollywood, and has appeared on numerous nationally syndicated radio shows, such as Ground Zero and Coast to Coast AM, as well as TV shows like Buzzsaw with Sean Stone. Twitter here. Facebook here. Email:
Lori Handrahan, PhD

Dr. Lori Handrahan is one of America’s most dedicated researchers into the epidemic of child rape.
Dr. Lori Handrahan has more than twenty years of humanitarian and human rights work in Central Asia, Africa and the Balkans. Her focus is gender-based violence, conflict/post-conflict environments, UN reform, and ending child sex abuse. She was UNHCR’s first Gender Expert in emergency operations during the Darfur genocide, UNHCR’s Regional Gender Advisor in The Balkans, CARE’s Girls’ Leadership Assessment lead evaluator in Yemen, UNFPA’s Gender-Based Violence Information Management System lead evaluator in Uganda, and OCHA’s sole evaluator on their agency-wide gender review. Dr. Handrahan completed her Ph.D. at London School of Economics. Her work is published widely from academic journals to The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Huffington Post, The Washington Times, Forbes, The National Journal, The Daily Beast, and Fox News. Dr. Handrahan has been a guest on CNN, Fox News, CTV, and CCTV.
Wolfgang Solo

Wolfgang Solo: Real News, fake newsman.
TrineDaily Managing Editor Wolfgang Solo has been a Theology scholarship major, a political reporter and professional film critic. He has worked for three of the four largest advertising conglomerates in the world, as well as with cable networks AMC and The Discovery Channel, where he created “Shark Week.” He has pursued, studied, but never practiced, hermetics and the occult for more than 30 years, living in New York, Paris, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Savannah, Baltimore and now San Diego. Wolfgang Solo is, of course, a fictional persona, and a pseudonym for the symbolist, writer and benevolent propagandist T. W. Siebert.