The Journey 162. Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: The Mystical Power of Love
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould about the mystical power of love, how it’s been used against us, and how to reclaim it for the benefit of mankind.

They also discussed:
Renaissance rulers, who used eros love and hate as a magical way to affect people and history. Those practices are still used today, spectacularly so in the ritual killing of President John F. Kennedy.
Giordano Bruno, the 16th Century Italian philosopher and Dominican priest who got into a lot of trouble with the Vatican, used an Aristotelian technique, the art of memory – assigning images to concepts and events that one wanted to remember – and developed a way of using it to gain power over other people, of assigning erotic, covetous love to an image so people would help manifest it because they could not resist it.
He went to England and connected with many who were using these ideas for the same goals, including John Dee (“English mathematician, astronomer, teacher, astrologer, occultist, and alchemist. He was the court astronomer for, and advisor to, Elizabeth I, and spent much of his time on alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.” -Wikipedia) Bruno’s work with memory is similar today to things that would be considered quantum physics.
An important part of what Bruno got sophisticated at was giving someone a memory that he wanted them to have, an idea that he wanted them to embrace.

Eros is immature love. The love of the object of your attention. If you don’t get your eros love returned, it turns to hate. As opposed to agape, which is unconditional love for everything. It is stable. It allows for a range of influences to come and yet remains open and conscious of what’s going on around a person.
Bruno’s work to manipulate people in ways they couldn’t resist seems to be the beginning of what is now known as psychological warfare, a way to manipulate people into the position or thinking that you want them to have.
Bruno is still taught at the London School of Economics as part of their core curriculum, what he saw of the future and of the cosmos and the way we interact with it – as above, so below – part of what is referred to as the Hermetic Rituals.
Everything is linked. All our actions in the microcosm are linked to the macrocosm, the idea being that if you can master those things in your own microcosm, you can master the macrocosm. You can take your ideas and make them global.
And the creation of a simulacrum was part of this process, a simulacrum being a copy of a copy of reality.
There were probably similarities between what they were trying to do and the old religion that was there prior to Christianity. A lot of pagan things. A great appreciation of nature.

The ancient structures, such as Stonehenge in England and New Grange in Ireland, correspond to the cosmos. Hundreds of such structures are in Brittany and in parts of France. Evidence of a very sophisticated cosmic culture. Taken by many to indicate a golden age where the creator was understood to work with mankind in harmony, which is what these Renaissance philosophers and magicians were trying to bring back, where the earth would harmonize with the rest of the cosmos and become one again.
The Elizabethan purpose was to bring the world back to that purity, and Christian Rome was seen as a challenge to that. The Catholic Church had become the planet’s biggest landlord, causing many power struggles as decisions were made. Canon law WAS the law.
The Fitzgeralds had been involved with this probably from the time of the Roman Empire in Italy, involved in the struggle between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor.
TrineDay’s Roundtable 33 (on the YouTube channel: Valediction Vision) shows a lot of the Fitzgerald history, and a lot of the history of Giordano Bruno and the beginning of what you might call a form of ritual magic.

Is magic just another word for persuasion? To aid people? Or to control them? That’s our option.
Words like “mystical” have been denigrated by those who use its power to control others. We must become comfortable in the use of these powers of persuasion, which is the purpose of Paul and Liz’s project of resurrecting JFK’s spirit of peace through the magic of Love Field, with an event on November 22, 2024, to help people recognize that the mystical power is for everyone’s use, not just for those who abuse it in their quest to rule the world. It will also help heal the wound to this country and the world caused by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

These powers are real. One has a friend around whom computers can’t work. Liz’s mother was a watch-stopper. Had beautiful watches. Every single one broke.
The spiritual or the mystical is a dimension, an effect, a quality to do with the non-physical world that we interact with that has no material substance. That’s why it can’t be scientifically analyzed, which is why many in science have denigrated that whole realm. And many people are easily made afraid of it. But it’s like love. Does love not exist because you can’t capture it in a bottle? We all know that that’s absurd.
That’s why we’re trying to build a practical understanding of the events that preceded the JFK assassination by a thousand years, that do in fact connect, so people can appreciate that the participants had ideas that went back a thousand years.