A Rant from Anarchapulco

I’ve spent much of the past week at Anarchapulco, the annual anarchists conference in Acapulco, and have all kinds of notes that I hope to organize into a series of posts in the days to come.

But the latest school killings and the transparent Facebook-algorithm-driven response that sees my wall buried in posts and links about gun bans and gun control, casts the stench of social media propaganda that dovetails not-so-nicely with some of the topics I’ve been hearing about in the past several days.

So we’ll start with this: Single answer solutions to complex societal problems are rarely solutions at all but instead an attempt to scapegoat.

America has a serious “legal” drug abuse problem, encouraged by massive pharmaceutical companies and largely ignored by media that relies on these drug pushers’ huge advertising budgets. America & New Zealand are the only countries on the planet that permit direct-to-consumer advertising.

Almost every single one of these school shooters, and other shooters, were on these pharmaceuticals.

Meanwhile famous celebrities call for gun control while starring in films that romanticize and glorify the use of firearms to solve problems and make themselves heroes.

America also has a serious problem with its alphabet agencies–CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. This latest shooter, like many others, was known. There were numerous warnings, red flags, even face-to-face interviews. For all the surveillance that we’re told we “need” to be safe, FBI couldn’t even nail down a guy who was plainly on their radar. Why not? Whose agenda is being served in a disarmed nation ruled by untouchable federal soft-power police state?

American classrooms do not teach American history, the Constitution, the bill of rights, or make any attempt to explain why all men and woman are created equal, deserving of respect–not “tolerance,” but RESPECT. Instead I’ve got my son’s 30-something History professor lecturing the class about “white privilege,” making my boy feel lesser and undeserving–and that’s not an apocryphal story, it’s fact.

One thing I have seen the past five days is how many people are really getting sick of all this sh!t, as well as how many are aware it is a SPIRITUAL conflict far more than a material one. The military coined a term “full spectrum dominance,” and that seems to be what we’re up against–the financial system, the education system, the communications platforms, the food we eat, nearly every element of American society–is relentlessly pushing for division, derision, self-doubt, self-hatred, empathy-free, no culture but CONSUMER culture, a broken nation easy to rule.

Obviously gun ownership is a RESPONSIBILITY as well as a right, and nobody should be able to walk off the street and buy an AK-47. But when “militarized” is one of the most common words you see before “police force” nowadays, does anybody really think what’s going on is benign? Do you really think the people running things–EITHER party–are looking out for us? Or are we maybe making them a little more nervous by the day as Internet makes it harder to shovel their bullish!t atop us?

You should trust nobody running this chaotic country anymore. Nobody. There are some good people, I’m sure, but let them PROVE it. Nobody deserves the benefit of the doubt. All they’ve done is lie and f#ck us over for decades now, with their wars and assassinations and systematic destruction of the American compact. Their psychological jui-jitsu—using Americans’ general goodness and inability to conceive of such conspiratorial evil against them, like the psycho in “The Green Mile” who used two young children’s love for each other so he could kill them both–is the darkest of soulless impulses and seemingly unquenchable.

This isn’t about money, though they’d like to convince you it is. This is about literally crushing the human spirit, creating a world of zombie-worker drones to serve the smallest percentage of psychotic, reptile-brained fascists who have no conscience or concern.
